Chapter 8

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They had been up all night, getting information about a person who doesn't really contribute to society is more difficult than it seems, Colossus doesn't know how police do it all the time.

He is crouched under a bush, he looks up to the roof of Serien apo anthro favorite restaurant, or at least, what people say.

A family passes by him, the smell of maple syrup and a strong flowery scent enters his nostrils. Colossus gets a sneezing sensation, but tries to hold it in.

He caught the youngest's attention when he couldn't hold it in. The kid let's go of her mom's hand and runs twists Colossus.

"Come back here." Colossus hears the mom say. The kids disobeys and lowers herself to his level.

This was what was making the pancake sauce smell, the kid. Colossus grimaces, and tries to get away but the kid's sticky fingers grabbed his tail and pulled him towards her.

"Let go of that." The kids mom yells, "it could have fleas!"
The kid shakes him, laughing, "that's dogs!"

Colossus hisses, which scares the kid so she lets go of the dizzy cat. Once Colossus regains his balance, he sees that  the family had left.

He runs across the concrete path and into the rose bush. On the side that Saturn and Fleur can't see.

He finds a bright orange jersey of some sports team, it has the numbers 37 on the back. And long pants that Colossus suspects won't fit him.

Colossus let's out a breath of air, his bones crack and distort, and fur lowers (mostly) into his skin.

He covers his mouth, stifling any noise he made.
Once he was fully human, he rushed into the clothes. He was sore.
Colossus shimmies out of the rose garden/ bushes.

Colossus looks down at his body, it was weird for him to look down and see his human form, he reaches up and touches his black hair, it was soft.

He steps forward and looses his balance, he yelps in surprise.

"Are you okay?" A random person asks from across the street. Colossus gives them a thumbs up.

He regains his footing and carefully walks around the corner. He ignores the spot where his summoners are.

He walks down the door foray and opened the wooden doors which had a glass window
Colossus thought it was fancy.

It was loud, there was lots of people talking at once.
A person brought him out of his thoughts, "table or booth?" The person asks, she wore some type of fancy back shirt and matching pants, and her dirty blonde hair in a loose bun.

"Table?" Colossus looks around. "Um, I'm looking for someone." He shifts his weight from one foot to the other and rubs his hands together like a fly.

The women glances sideways, and crosses her arms. "Why exactly?" She beseeches.

Colossus raises his eyebrows and hands go up, over his mouth, "oh!" He swallows, "no, not like that, it's my wife."

The waiter doesn't seem to change.

"You see, she got pregnant, and re- doctors could her she was infertile, and she ran out of the house when she found out, she ran." Colossus rambles fabricates a lie.

The waiter narrows her eyes, sighs, then lowers her eyes. "Alright I get it, you're worried about your wife." The waiter asks, "what her name?"

"Evelyn." Colossus states, "she usually comes here at least once a week."

"I didn't know she was married, I never see a ring." The waitor frowns.

"Yeah, we don't think rings are something useful to show  our love for each other." Colossus smiles, innocently.

The waiter pressed her lips together and her hand quickly go to the phone on the podium.
"There's a man, who is a danger. Or something like that"

"What?" Colossus steps back. "No, I'm just trying to find," he stops and notices he has caused a scene, people, young and old were watching him.

It was silent in the restaurant, nobody dared to make a sound.

Someone walked in, she wore a oversized gray sweatshirt and a green patchy skirt and had short brown hair.
She stops dead in her tracks, "Costin?"

Colossus turns right, his shoulders slump, and his mouth does the exact opposite. "There you are."
He runs forward and wraps his arms around her body, and she does the same.

Evelyn grabs his face and studies it, "it's really you."

"Hey it's ok." Colossus removed her hands from his face, they were still soft, just like the day he found her all those years ago.

Police break in, knocking down the unlocked door, "hands up!" One of them yelled.

"Oh no," the waiter squeaked, "it was a misunderstanding, officer, I thought he was lying, he wasn't."

The cop didn't seem to understand the waiter who was ducking behind the podium. 
"Hands where I can see them."

Colossus put his hands in front of him and the officer cuffed him, "seriously this was a misunderstanding." Colossus panicked.

"I doubt it."

"No, really." Evelyn says, watching as police put handcuffs on her boyfriend.
The officer scoffs taking him out of restaurant.

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