Sorcerer's Stone- Part 3

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Victoria Potter


I smiled widely and ran to the table with the blue and bronze clothes. They were going crazy "YOU MIGHT HAVE GOTTEN THE CHOSEN ONE BUT WE GOT THE BETTER LOOKING SISTER
PISS OFF GRYFFINDORS" I heard a tall Ravenclaw boy named Rodger Davies scream at the Gryffindors.

Then I saw Ron's brothers who are identical twins scream "OH YEAH WELL WE GOT THE BOY WHO LIVED" I was smiling the whole time. It was nice to know I won't have to deal with my brother and his nightmares. He is such a baby.

More stuff happened and Ron got into Gryffindor so at least Prince Harry has him. I just hope I have a friend.

I kept to myself the whole time until a girl dropped her roll onto my plate. She too was lonely. She was beautiful, she had gorgeous brown hair and her skin looked soft. She smiled at me and stuck out her hand.

"Cho Chang." I shook her hand and smiled "Victoria Potter." Her and I talked for the rest of the night. I was looking at everyone having the time of their lives.

Harry and I made eye contact and smiled at each other. He put his hands to shape a heart. Him and I did that signal that we were happy for each other and we'll of course to say I love you. I did it back.

Then I saw a strange thing. The teacher who was named... Squirrel? Idk he is white with a turban, make it make sense. Was whispering to the weird teacher. Who btw at first glance looked like a woman with a dress on in all black but his name was Snape, he then made eye contact with Harry and Stared. Then Squirrel looked at me and whispered more. Snape then looked at me and smiled.

"YA KNOW IT IS VERY LOUD IN HERE. I MISS HOGWARTS. I WAS IN SLYTHERIN LIKE MOST OF MY FAMILY I THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE A SLYTHERIN AS SOON AS I SAW YOU CHASE HARRY AROUND WITH A KNIFE FOR TAKING YOUR 1 BLUEBERRY BUT I THINK RAVENCLAW ALSO FITS CONGRATS!" Regulus started yelling at me and then flew around me and through me I started laughing and I laughed at a good time too because Cho was laughing too. So I guess I was laughing with her. Then Dumbledore, the headmaster, started looking at me. Does everyone have a staring problem or are they all perverts?

Everyone called to go to their dorms. I walked to my dorm and opened the door to see I have my own room. A single? That's weird. From what Cho told me, only the rich that request get singles. I don't understand. But am I complaining? NO I GET TO HANG AND TALK TO REGULUS WITHOUT PEOPLE THINKING IN CRAZY AND FINDING OUT ABOUT HIM.

I woke up and got ready. I had some time so I sent a letter to Harry to meet me in the great hall for breakfast. I had one picture of my mom from her first year at hogwarts. I straighten my wavy hair like her and put on light mascara. I changed into my robes and tried to tie my tie but i can't.

"No cross it the other way, have you seriously never tied a tie?" Regulus keeps pestering me.

"No, I have never worn a tie okay stop pestering me, I will just ask Harry or someone for help. I am so nervous."

"Why? Hogwarts is the best years of your life, as much as I hated my life and who I was and who I admired, Hogwarts will always be my home. I loved my time here and I promise you will too."

"Okay, I am so excited." I walked out of my dorm to the common room, I walked over to the door and walked out with Cho.

"So first we have double potions then I have herbology while you have Defence Against the Dark Arts. I am so nervous." Cho and I kept talking till she went to the great hall with her roommate Padma Patil. I walked over to the Gryffindor common room and knocked on the portrait while the Fat Lady, which sucks as a name, talked to me. The portrait finally opened by a girl who smiled at me and walked out with Ron's older brother, Fred.

"Hey little Potter, this here is Angelina Johnson. Have you seen George?"

"Ummm... no I have not."

"Okay, bye Angelina see you in Muggle Studies." Angelina left and Fred walked over to me.

"What are you doing here little Potter?" He started rubbing my head and messing up my hair.

"I am waiting for my brother and can you please stop calling me "Little Potter''? I do not like it."

"Of course, what shall I call you V-P or L-P? You know for Victoria Potter or Little Potter?" He winked at the last two words. I shook my head and fixed my hair.

"No, no that is all wrong what about V-V? I quite like that." George came strolling over to the portrait with a whole watermelon in his hands.

"I like V-V, ummm... what are you doing with that watermelon?" I added

"Isn't it obvious, we are gonna drop it off Professor Snape's head." Fred and George smiled.

"Won't that kill him?"

"Not if we crushed it up and then dropped it." George says and crouches down and ties my tie for me.
    The rest of the day was fine, kinda easy. Regulus kept telling me gossip about each teacher and student's parents while they talked. It was quite funny. Snape was bored for 2 whole periods with him and I almost died. I hate reading so much and he made us read. He was so mean to Harry for god knows what reason, Regulus would not tell me. No wonder Fred and George were gonna prank him. He looked at me constantly and would smile, I mean he is probably a sex offender in some country, I am 11 YEARS OLD YOU PERV.

"Mr. Potter, our new celebrity. Tell me what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry looked so helpless as Hermione's hand shot up. "You don't know? Well let's try again where Mr. Potter would you look at if I asked you to find me a bezoar?"

"I don't know sir." I felt so bad.

"And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfbane?" Ugh shut the fuck up Snape.

"Damn dude your so stupid, Snilvil- Snape!" Regulus stuttered, what was he gonna say?

"Pity, clearly fame isn't everything, is it Mr. Potter? Well let's see if your sister knows?"

My eyes grew wide I knew nothing what am I gonna do?!

"Ms. Potter answer any of the questions that I've asked your brother and I shall give Ravenclaw 10 points." I nodded.

"Victoria, if you added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood it would make a sleeping potion called the Draught of the Living Dead. Say that!" Regulus told me and I smiled.

"If I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood...I would get the sleeping potion, the Draught of the Living Dead?" I said as Snape smiled.

"Very good at least we have a smart Potter. Now Mr. Potter I suggest you be like your sister." Me and Harry looked at each other wide eyed.

Me being smarter than Harry was a surprise because Harry had always been smarter. I didn't know how to do my 9's times tables till I was 10! That's really bad.

    Then there was DADA turns out Squirrel's name is actually Quirrel which is weirder than the name Dumbledore. He was weird, I do not like him. 

Me, Fred, and George smashed the watermelon up and without him knowing I was apart of it, we dumped the watermelon on Snape!

The rest of the day I hung out with Cho and that went on for the next week. Everyone was going well till my curiosity kicked in.

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