Order of The Pheonix - Part 2

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Victoria Potter

I fell asleep that night at 12:00 am. I woke up instantly in a black room. Nothing but black. But I heard a voice. A hideous voice.

"Ahhhh Victoria Potter, I finally meet...the chosen one's sister...the boy, who lived. The smart twin. The one who murdered me. Figured out my plan last year and almost got my man caught." I knew who it was but I didn't wanna turn around. "How's mum and dad?" I turned around. I met the eyes of a man with  pale skin, a chalk-white, skull-like face, snake-like slits for nostrils, scary eyes and cat-like slits for pupils, a skeletally thin body and long, thin hands with unnaturally long fingers. I felt paralyzed when he walked towards and around me. I wouldn't move.

"W-where am I and how did you get here?" I felt weak. "I came through your mind. You're dreaming. But I've done this before. If I torture enough marks will show up on your body when you wake up from where I tortured you. How about we try that now?" He spoke.

"Where am I?" I heard another voice and I turned to find Regulus. "My mind Regulus. I'm dreaming."

"This is no dream, it's real just when you sleep I take over...Regulus Black could it be? Didn't I kill you?"

"No you didn't, you just told your inferi to drown me, you didn't do shit they did!" Regulus said. "I am with Victoria, her and I are best friends. She can see ghosts you bald dickhead. She's more powerful than you in every single way."

My eyes widened and I smiled very small. "Really, you may have killed me before but you could never survive me, AVADA KEDAV-"

"Expelliarmus. Well you did not win that, you can't survive me! Boom Bitch! Ummmm...crucio!"

He started to scream in pain and I started to laugh. "This is fun!" Regulus said as he made me press on stronger. I stopped when he started laughing.

"Did I just, just use the unforgivable cure the cruciatus curse?" I was astounded at my quick use of dark magic. I didn't think twice of using it.

"What are you laughing at?" Regulus snarled at the bald bitch. "The girl I feel so much evil and anger in her. You can be the next Voldemort."

"No, I'm not you. I'm a good person. I'm my parents daughter. I'm nothing like you. Nothing."

"But you are. An orphan, anger issues, smart, you love power, and your magical hands...that's power."

I started to shake. I couldn't believe that there were similarities.

"And Lucious Malfoy tells me you and Draco are... friends." My breath hitched at the mention of Draco. "They're actually dating!" Regulus said then covered his mouth. "Regulus!"

"Dating?" He smiled a devilish smile. I fell to the ground. I couldn't breathe. Not only is he coming at me but now he could do something to Draco. He controls me.

I stood up and I shot Regulus and Voldemort. It was a pastel pink handgun. I've never seen this nor thought of this gun but it appeared in my hands.

I instantly healed Regulus and stood him up. "What the fuck I've never thought about this."

"Do you think that if you think of anything it'll come? Like I want my wand!" His wand didn't appear. "I want to see your wand." His wand suddenly appeared. I picked it up and handed it over. "I guess since it's my head and dream that I get to make things appear but not anyone else."

"I'm not like Voldemort right?" I felt scared about the thought of ever being like that horrid man. "No you're like me!" Regulus said.

"Weren't you a death eater?" I asked. "Not at 15!" I looked at him with a side eye. "You still hate non-pure bloods at 15 and are pro Voldy."

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