He Has Someone Else #1

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It was wednesday when the life i loved ended.

The day had started and been nothing but completely ordinary, until now. Because at this moment, both of my hands were numb, shaking and sweaty. My lips were bitten and i couldn't recall when my eyes last had to fight so hard to keep the wave of tears at bay.
Nick had meant well, as he always did, being one of the nicest people i knew. He was staring at me, unsure what to say and i could read by his expression that he was doubting both, my sanity and whether or not he had made the right decision to tell me. His words kept replaying in my mind, becoming louder and louder by the minute until they resounded inside my head as a yell.

"Harry has been sleeping with a girl he met in La for a while now. About 3 months, i'd say, but... maybe a little more than that.

At first i hadn't believed him. Because how could it be true? Harry and i loved each other and neither of us could ever betray the other like this, right? Understanding my doubts, Nick had grimached and pulled out his phone, pressed a few buttons before turning the screens so i had a perfect view onto the numerous texts he had recieved from Harry. They had proven everything and told the story how he had met her and how, though he'd felt bad, had slipped into a relationship with her. My vision had blurred once i got the the part of him describing what had gone through his head while sleeping with her for the first time, and i had felt sick.
The reality of it all had yet to kick in as my mind tried and failed to make sense of it al all. It was most certainly not what i had expected it to be about Harry's upcoming birthday. Sure, a little erly, but hadn't we started to plan his birthday party early last year as well? We had been so in love back then and, at least as i thought, still were. All the butterflies in the world erupted in our tummies when the other smiled. Our hearts beat in the same rhythm. We had the kind of connection every couple desired to have themselves and therefor stirred jealousy in them.
The smile left my lips as all blood drained from my face. Nothing would be the same from now in, I realized. The life i'd led for the past two years was about to end and turn into an unpredictable and unwanted replacement.

"Y/n?" Nick's voice was soft and low.

One of his hands which had both been clasping his coffee mug reached out for me and took a gentle hold of my wrist. His kitchen in which we sat, suddenly seemed awfully small and a restlessness settled into my bones.

"You are welcome to stay here. I have two spare roms so... you'd have your space. It'd be easy."

Nothing about any of this was or would ever be easy.
Harry ahd held a girl who wasn't me. His lips had kissed someone, other than me. He had sex with a girl. And she was not me. What made the tears fall from my eyes and spill onto my cheeks, what caused my heart to shatter into pieces was, how just because he had her, he hadn't stopped holding me at night. Harry and i had still kissed, often, and with so much love we lost our creaths and believed to be in a different world. He had still come to bed with me and touched me. And looking back i could not recal feeling any less loved. But i must have been lacking his love for a long time, because otherwise, i would have surely been enough, right?
The skin of both cheeks was wet and no will was left in me to somehow stop the tears from spilling freely from my eyes. Nick's expression of sadness and regret increased with each cry and yelp slipping from my lips.

"Y/n," he spoke in a pleading tone, though i believed neither of us knew what he was pleading me for.

"I appreciate it, Nick," i whimpered, sounding utterly ironic, "for telling me. I know that i-"

A sob wrecked through my body, interrupting my sentence and i briefly shut my eyes and attempted to catch a breath.

"You love H-Harry and he... what i mean is to say thank you so much, Nick..."

Harry Styles Oneshots // englishWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu