Admitting It

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A loud sigh escaped my mouth and i hung my head low in exhaustion, my face ghidden behind my sweaty palms. I felt as if all the responsibilities i had been trying to somehow balance on my shoulders over the past weeks came crumbling down like a wall of bricks, burying me. The familiar sound of my ringtone interrupted my thoughts and seeing the name flashing on the screen stopped any tears from spilling over. My shaking fingers hastily slid over the phone screen and i eagerly pressed the device to my ear, desperate to hear the warmth of his voice.

"Harry! You have no idea how relieved i am that you're calling."

"M'glad to hear your voice, too, babe," Harry answered, no hint of a smile in his voice. He sounded oddly quiet and collected, not at all like the cheerful best friend he normally was.

"Are you allright?" i asked and pushed some of the books sprawled out in front of me away. There wasn't much i would finish today anyway, especially not if Harry was unwell.

Ever since we had first bumped into each other it hadn't taken more than one coffee tro forge a strong bond between us. I always had his back and he had mine, protectiong and supporting aech other without questioning it. We often stayed at each other's places for several days at once, trying to make the most of it given that the hecticsof our daily lives didn't allow us to spend too much time together. All of this remained merely platonic to him. I however, foolish as i was, jad to fall so deeply in love with him i couldn't even see the surface anymore.

"M'fine," Harry hummed.

I didn't quite buy his promise by the still rather void tone in his voice.

"You don't sound like it, love," i murmured, "what's bugging you?"

I heard him take in a deep breath on the other side of the line, as if he needen to prepare for what he wanted to say next. When he spoke again his voice was much more tense.

"You know how Kendall and i have been going out and stuff, right?"

I coughed as a lumo crawled up my throat and swallowed hard before forcing out a small, "Yes." My mind was already racing and torturing me with endless scenarios of what exactly he was implying by saying "stuff".

When Harry had first brought Kendall around. I had already built a biased opinion on her. Her family's public oriented life wasn't something i could understand and never would it have come to my mind that Harry somehow could. Privacy was one of his top priorities. Meeting Kendall in person however had been different than expected and after two drinks with her i had to admit that she and Harry did fit together. She knew when to laugh, asked me questions about my much less eventful like than hers was and even hugged me when saying goodbye. And of course, she was of striking beauty. One look at her and it was clear how she was Harry's match in every sense of the word.
After leaving them to climb into their taxi together and to head to his place i was ovecome by sadness. Never had i confessed my feelings for Harry to him and now came the regret. I had noticed him observe me throughout the night, proving further how important it was to him that his friends liked her. A clear sign that their relationship was to be taken serious.

"I hope everything's fine between the two of you," i mumbled, hoping he'd believe the small lie.

"Not quite," Harry replied, "we aren't working out like i thought we would. And i feel so confused." he broke off and i just knew he was shaking his head in lach of understanding.

"Is it because you're apart too much?"

"No, i don't think so," he answered quickly, "Our houses aren't too far apart from each other's and now that i'm on my break i often fly out to see her. I'd say we spend 4 out of 7 days per week with each other."

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