Reversed Roles

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It marked the second week of harry not speaking to me. For exactly fourteen days had he refused to utter as much as one word in my direction and by that point i felt silly. The need to hear him, get some kind of commication and contact with him was there, very much se. My heart ached, ears rang and with every move he made i hoped a sound from his throat would follow. But it never did. And maybe i should have caught on and known better. Harry was cold to me when he used to be kind, like a flower that bloomed wonderfully in all it's colours during the summer and then froze when the cooler months neared.
The immense pain that grew to live in my chest was nothing i believed i would ever manage to get accustomed to and frankly i did not want to either.
I didn't want to accept thay where once there had been warmth, reighned now the harshest of winters.

"Kiss me."

It's been a desperate plea, uttered with a voice so thin fragile i hoped it wasn't mine. My very last hope, the last bit of my strenght lay in that simple phrase.
Harry didn't turn around form where he was standing, feet apart and arms crossed over his chest as he faced me with only his back. The sight of his muscles tensing by my desperate wish was nothing other than imagined , my words didn't even cause his body to somehow react. He halted so briefly i barely noticed so perhaps my brain trickled me and he hadn't even done that, before he continued to stride towards the kitchen where i knew he would search for a burning liquid.

"Harry" i cried, cheeks smeared with hot tears as all the wieght i'd been carrying on my shoulders crushed down on me so hard it was difficult to keep my eyes from failing shut.
We might as well have stood worlds apart and been separated by oceant rather then the tiny space of out hallway.

That was it. He left me like that, empty of love and filled with a need i didn't knew where to ectinguish but i knew i would need to try.


A gasp fell from my lips as the tall man before me began to move. His hands were settled on my waist in a tight grip, ensuring that i wouldn't move away as he lead both of our bodies' motions. Sweat damped my skin and made it sticky , but given our close promixity and the other many dancing bodies around us i didn't find it in myself to feel embarrassed.
The man didn't seem to mind either. His own forehead was wet and his hair felt wet to my touch whenever my hands ran through it in order to find something i could hold onto. I didn't care. I needed him.
Kissing this stranger soothed the ache caused by harry's wordless rejection.
Kissing this man had energy curse through the cells of my body i believed dead and kissing him brought me so much joy i felt myself smiling.
He moaned, bit my lip, held me close and closer even when impossible.

"Want me to take you home with me?"

My head nodded without thinking twice about it. A big hand found mine and he pulled back, looking into liooking into my eyes once more to make sure i was certain with my decision before he began to slowly lead me out of the building.

I can't specifically remember sleeping with him, only that it was easy. There was no alcohol or any other drug cursing through my veins that could have clouded my memory , and still i forot.
Maybe because he told me his name when he wanted me to sight it into his ear, perhaps because his scent was nothing but unfamiliar and finally i think it could have been because i crawled out of his bed before his eyes reopened.


"You fucked somebody else?"

Harry's knuckled turned white when his hands tightened into fists.
But my feet didn't move back. Why would that?
It was him whio stood in a place that wasn't his and it was harry who's turn it was to leave.
Only the green if his eyes would managed to look so utterly lost whilst filled with hate and rage as they travelled up and down my figure where i stood by the door.

"You're bearing his mark all over you."

I smiled and stepped closer to where he seemed frozen to. "I missed your voice."

"Are you insane?" harry's bottom lip quivered, "How could you do that to me?"

"Do what to you? Have fun? Have sex?"

"Yes!" he yelled and as though struck by a lightning harry stepped closer until he had me pressed up against the door. I groaned as the knob pressed into my back uncomfortably. "Yes to all of that! How dare you, y/n?"

"I needed to feel something" i whined, "And he did me good."

With those wordsi knew i had him. Harry visibly gagged and released me as if my skin had vaught on fire and burned his fingertips.
He stepped away and brought as much distance between us as he could before his own back knocked into the wall behind him.

"I- i can't-" his throat closed and the words were lost with it. desperately he searched for anything he could say or do that would make the last hours not be real and me not so far gone he couldn't pullme back to him.

"You're crazy for feeling lonely now" i told him indifferently whilsy touching the skin i could still feel another's kiss on tenderly.

Harry shook his head against my nod. "Yes, you are."

And with that it was my turn to leave him standing on his own, with no physical reaction given from my body. I didn't shudder when i heard him sob and i didn't feel like my heart could burst when he began to cry my name.
Finally, i suppose, winter had reached me, too.

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