It Never Faded

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It had been two weeks since i had last seen Harry and one week he had last tried to call me. Our break up had been a messy one, filled with screaming and crying. Words were shouted neither of us could ever truly mean and when i had finally cried that i wanted our relationship to be over, Harry was just as surprised as i was. And yet i didn't take it back. And he didn't try to stop me. I somewhat calmly went upstairs, packewd the few belongingsi had at brought to his place, and left without a word of goodbye.

I traveled back to my hometown and moved in with my old flatmate. She still owned the same apartment i had loved in when Harry had first come around and swept me off my feet. After dating for two months i agreed to go to London with him, which now i knew had been a mistake. Moving in with someone after knowing them for so short had not been a smart omove. Literally.
Soon what had once been a loving relationship turned into two people trying to adjust to each other's lifestyles and utterly failing at it. After his band got back on the road, it was like i was in a relationship with a ghist. The distance felt unbearable and with time differences and crappy internet connection, not even the few skype calls that we made could change that.

I wasn't any happier being away from him now, but i conforted myself with the thought that at least i didn't have to try and pretend to be anymore. After sulking in bed for a week, mourning my failed relationship, i was ready to move on. I still loved Harry with everything i had, truly. But after ignoring the first few voice messages of him sobbing into his phone i recieved messages of him lulling how glad he was that i had finally fucked off, how much better he was doing, that it would be as easy as counting to three to find a new girl to take my place.
It hurt of course, but if he was fine without me than why shouldn't i be alright without him?

"Is it okay if i leave you alone tonight?" my flatmate Kylie asked standing in the doorway.

"Sure, why wouldn't it be?" i responded, folding the shirt i was currently holding.

"You've een crying on a daily basis when all of a sudden you just stopped all together. It's not normal. I'm kind of waiting for you to snap and explode or something."

"What would seem normal to you then?" i asked with a laugh.

She jokingly tapped her finger to her chin. "Maybe you begging me to go egg his fancy ass house."

"Not gonna happen," i giggled while shaking my head. "But seriously , i'm alright. And i'll survive a night without you hovering over me like a mother hen."

Kylie threw her haead back at that and laughed: "So it's okay for the mother her to go out for the night?"

"Of course it is," i assured.

"You're sure ? I can stay if-"

"I'm sure," i interrupted. "Just because my world ended doesn't mean yours has to as well."

She rolled her eyes. "Shit like that's makes me worry about you."

"I'm joking," i protested.

"Only half heartily."

She gave me another long look before grinning confidently. "How hot do i look?"

"Very," i complimented. "Your date is going to struggle keeping it in his pants tonight."

"Great, that's the look i was going for."

After she left i decided to treat myself a little and make some popcorn. Once settled on our couch i pressed the play button on the telly and soon found an action movie i hadn't seen in a long time. All in all, i felt pretty good about myself.

I jumped when the doorbell rang. The sky had long turned dark and one look at my phone told me that it was almost 11pm. Who was ringing people's doorbells at this time?
It was unlikely that Kylie had forgotten her key and she would've told me it she had invited someone over, right? I reached for a fork that was laying on our coffee table after lunch which would weakly serve me as a weapon before my feet carried me hesitantly to the door. It only took one quick peek through the keyhole for me to pull the door open.

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