What We Once Were

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It was safe to say that i loved him far too much for my own good. Maybe it was the way to looked at me, eyes wide and full of warmth and with a hint of... wonder. He looked at me as though he was the only one who saw me as me, the person i truly was. And yet at the same time i know now that he also always saw me as somebody i couldn't possibly be. Somebody i didn't even want to be and now am glad e never became, even if it resulter in costing me him. To this dat i think it was this misperception of his that doomed the two of us to fail.

Harry caused me so much unneccessary pain, forced me through a seemingly infinite amount of sleepless nights.

How had i ever made that man to somebody i cared about so deeply? I truly wish i hadn't.

I stumbled into Harry's life at a time when the both of us felt terribly out of place. He'd befriended a friend of mine and was soon thrown into a new group of friends, one that i happened to be part of as well. Of course he was on good terms with everybody and held the attention of everyone.

It caught me by surprise when Harry and i became friends. I'd expected to be just as much of a bystander in his life as i was in the lives of the other's but for some reason he made an effort to know me. I let him of course, gladly in fact since i was just as mcuh pulled under his spell as the rest of us were and greedy for any bit of attention he could spare.

Soon i discovered that he was funny, kind and not half as cocky as he always pretended to be. Harry made me happy. It was far too easy to fall in love with him it happened without me even noticing.

It would be nice if this story would turn into one of those that end with the two friends looking closely at each other, smile and then realize at the same time that the partner they had been dreaming of had been right there in front of them all along. What's more beautiful than mindless flirtations turning into true words of love? I';; say it right now this is definitely now that kind of story. If anything it's the opposite.

"You should come with  us," Harry suggested one day.

We were queueing for coffee, something we dit at least once a week since he'd introduced me to this part of the city where we'd found what was undoubtedly the best cafe ever. I'd somehow hioped he would invite me to the party tonight, but at the same time i dreaded the thought of going.

I bit my lip. "Wouldn't i be a bit out of place?"

"Next!" Moving quickly i informed the barista of our orders and payed for them both before following Harry who'd already walked over to the sode of the counter where our coffee's would be served. He smiled when i followed him.

"Rubbish," Harry spoke, grinning at me with that smile i thought about far too often when alone, "You's just stick to my side like you usually do."

This idea i liked. Harry's grin widened when i nodded. "Okay."


Harry squeezed my shoulder before glancing to our right when're a beautiful young woman came to a stand, checked something on her phone and then moved to sit down at a table near the wall. A sour taste settled on my tongue and i cleared my throat.

"Only so that somebody's looking after you, which isn't a piece of cake," i said, smiling when i succesfullu distracted his attention away from the pretty female and back to me, "Drunk Harry is a pain in the arse i'll tell you that much."

Harry shook his head with arched brows. "Watch it love, 'nother comment like that one and m'gonna pinch you."

"As if you dare," i laughed, but shrieked and moved away when his fingers reached out to assault my hips. "Ouch! Be nice!"

Harry Styles Oneshots // englishKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat