Enchanted By Her

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From the moment he saw her, he was drawn in. Everything about her had him instantly fascinated and in want for me more, want for anything she would give him, no matter small it would be. Gestures so simple like brushing her fingers through her hair, smiling or clenching her handsm seemed so magical to Harry he found it impossible to look away. His heart beat rapidly and his stomach fluttered. How was it possible for a woman to glow like that? Her hands were holding onto a vinyl record, her fingers clasping it so carefully as if she feared she'd break ik otherwise and Harry watched with fascination how she read the back of the record.
He couldn't quite catch what it was with her. He never normally felt such a pull to a woman, like he couldn't leave the music store without having spoken to her. This girl... whoever she was, he had to hear her voice.
Harry brushed his fingers through his hair and frowned at eher. She was standing by a different shelf now, one that was a bit closer to him and again she had picked up the headphones connected to one of the record players the music shop they were at offered, allowing the costumers to listen to the vinyls they were interested in. The woman held the headphones to her ears and Harry's lips parted when he noticed how her eyes were shut, those kissable lips of her moving as she let herself be consumed by the music she was listening to. She drove him insane, had him under her spell and completely at her mercy.

Harry sighed and bit his tongue. He didn't normally approah women he saw somewhere, always too afraidhe'd come across as creepy, but today he felt like he had to. Even though he was feeling very silly. This was a vintage music shop after all. You weren't supposed to chat up women at a place like this and even if, what would he say?
She was still silently singing the words she seemingly knew by heart and now even began to slowly move her hips along to the music. Harry couldn't hear what she was singing, but he knew the movements of her hips fit perfectly to the song's rhythm.

Harry sighed. He knew he had to speak to her, he couldn't leave this store without having heard her voice, at least once. Before his mind caught up with it, his feet already carried him towards her and before he knew it, his finger had tapped against her arm gently.

He suppressed the loud about to leave his lips and instead forced himself to fake a relxed smile, his eyes sparkling with excitement when she turned to face him.
Her beauty was breathtaking. His heart sped up. She had the brightest eyes Harry had ever seen and the softest skin, all he could to was imagine caressing it, kissing it even. Harry didn't know her, but oh did he want to hold her body against his. The girl truly was overwhelming him. Harry truly felt enchanted by her.


Her voice was melodie, soft and kind. It send waves of warmth through his bodt, even his fingertips tingled.

"I'm Harry," he spole quietly. She'd confused him so, he had to take a moment to think if this really was his name, but once he was sure his words had actually made sense, he smiled.

The beautiful girl reciprcated the smile and held out her small hand. "I'm y/n. It's nice to meet you, Harry."

"S'lovely to meet you, darling," he hummed and took her hand in his, squeezing it gently. Their hands fit together so perfectly, he thought. Feeling her small palm against his own set him at ease.

Harry's tummy fluttered once more when he noticed the flush of pink rushing to the girl's cheeks when she looked at their fingers. She seemed as if she wasn't used to having a guy chat her up. Harry wasn't sure how he felt about that.

"What is it you were listening to?" Harry asked, his fingers still holding on to hers.

"Pink Floyd," y/n replied, gesturing to the vinyl with her free hand.

"Oh." Harry let go of her and stepped closer so he could peek over her shoulder and onto the recored. "I actuallt know that one. "S'good."

"It is," y/n agreed and smiled warmly. When her teeth sunk into her soft bottom lip, he felt like he was going to lose his mind. Could she possibly be any more adorable?

"Saw you whispering along to the song," he continued, his hand now resting on the shelf so he could rest part of his weight on it. His body was now completely turned to y/n, as he wanted to give her his full attention. He wanted her to be sure of his interest in her, of she wasn't used to a guy chatting her up, he wanted eto be certain she'd know of her attractiveness. Even if she ended up rejecting him, Harryliked the thought of encouraging her self confidence a little.

The redness in her cheeks increased and her eyes widened. "Oh no, that must have looked so weird."

Harry chuckled to himself when he somehow couldn't speak louder than in a tone just above a whisper. Something about this girl made him want to be softer, gentler, somehow like... her.

Y/n's fingers played with each other and Harry hoped is was because she was nervous.

"Not at all," Harry quickly reassured her, giving her a smirk, "I like seeing people caught up with something they love."

"Oh really?" y/n giggled, "Do you like to observe people then?"

"M'not that creepy, love," Harry chuckled and cleared his throat, trying to get all of his courage together, "Just you. Couldn't look away when i saw you todat. You're really beautiful."

A nervous laugh fell from y/n's lips and she turned away, her cheeks now a deep shade of red. Harry even noticed her fingers shake a little.

"Oh, ehm. Thanks, Harry. That's really nice of you to say."

"Don't be so shy," Harry mumbled and reached out to take the vinyl from her trembling fingers.

"Sorry," y/n sighed with a smile and looked to her feet before hesitantly meeting Harry's eyes again. "It's just you're..."

She trailed off and Harry's heart sunk a little. He was just what? Her next words probably weren't going to be good, her tone indicated it. Maybe she hated his music? Maybe she thought he was a pretentious asshole celebrity? Though Harry had always been a fan of Pink Floyd himself, his own music didn't resemble it too much. Perhaps y/n found his band too mauinstream and not good enough. He'd understand. Hell, Harry felt like he wasn't good enough for her himself, why wouldn't she think so, too?

"M'what?" Harry mumbled, almost defeated.

Y/n shrugged and grinned shyly. "You're really handsome. And i'm not used to guys coming up to me, so... i don't know. You make me a little nervous."

Harry smiled so widely at her words his dimples popped. He turned the record in his hand momentarily looking at it before his attention was captured by the girl in front of him again.

"Let me propose a deal."

Y/n's eyes widened and she nodded, still smiling widely. "I'm listening."

Harry chuckled.

"How about i buy you this record," he began and winked at y/n, making her raise her hand to her mouth to cover the laugh falling from her mouth, "And in return you agree to go out with me sometime?"

Her hand was still clasped over her lips and his mouth went dry when her eyes actually teared up. Please say yes, his head screamed at himself, please please please!
He had to see her again, had to know more about the girl in front of him and somehow, if he was lucky enough, manage to make her love him, because he could have sworn he already felt himself fall for her. His skin screamed to be touched by her, his ears yelled for him to make her speak again so he could hear her wonderful voice.

"What do you say?" Harry pressed on, "Do we have a deal? Pink Floyd in return of a dinner with me?"

"Couldn't imagine anything better," Y/N said quietly and smiled, before surprising both of them by stepping closer and onto her tip toes, reaching up so she could press a kiss to Harry's cheek.

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