Not Quite Honest

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If only Mica hadn't said a word. Maybe she would've never known, since her love for him had kept her from doubting or questioning their commitment to each other so far, as it had assured her every day that he felt the same.
But now Harry feared it all to be lost. Ruined, by his friend opening his mouth when he shouldn't, and a mistake he had made and never bothered to undo.

"You are with me because you couldn't be with her?"

It wasn't purely the meaning behind her words that shocked and terrified him to his core. It was the quiver in her voice, the pain in her tone and the water already drowning her beautiful orbs.

Harry shook his head rapidly and reached out both hands to hold hers, a gesture she rejected by pulling away before he could've touched her skin.

"No, love, I promise that's not true. Mica's just messing around there's nothing you need to worr-"

"You're lying to me." She didn't yell with her voice, didn't raise it in a shout, but her crying eyes were enough to silence him just the same.

His own teared up.
Shaken with embarrassment Y/N turned away and tumbled towards where she knew the bathrooms were located, leaving Harry and his friends to watch after her as she passed the many other bar attenders who were mingling and laughing, unaware of the heartbroken girl walking past them.

"I got to go after her," Harry murmured, "Try and fix this."

Mica pursed his lips. "Didn't you tell her that you had the hots for Lucy?"

He tilted his head at his friend and shot him a dirty look. "No, I didn't. And 'the hots' isn't exactly true."

"Ehm, sorry, H," Nadia said apologetically, scrunching up her nose, "you were obsessed with Lucy. I adore Y/N and I'm more than relieved you two are together, but you were after Lucy for ages and you settled with Y/N because you hoped Lucy would see and get jealous. You tried proving to the pretty blonde girl that you could be a wonderful boyfriend and your show bunny was Y/N."

"I love her." Harry swallowed hard.

He did truly love Y/N and that she was his girlfriend made him so happy he sometimes forgot to breathe when he looked at her. She touched his skin with tenderness, kissed him so lovingly it made his stomach flutter and when she looked at him he could feel himself melt. She was warm, kind and above all, she understood. Y/N put him first and listened with patience when he had something to say.

"I really do."

Nadia nodded understandingly and reached over the table to rub his arm. "I know you do, Harry. And so does she. It'll be okay, I'm sure of it."

But would it? Nadia and Mica both looked at Harry with worry in their eyes while Matt and Carrey wouldn't even meet his gaze. Clearly none of them knew how Harry would fix his betrayal.
A betrayal that had built the base for their relationship. A betrayal, without which Harry and Y/N wouldn't have found each other.
How would he ever know the words to make this up? Harry whined and briefly pressed both palms to his flushed face before he pushed back his chair and raised to his feet.
Whatever words he would say to her, they couldn't wait. Especially since they were long overdue in the first place.

The girls' bathroom was empty and had he not known for sure that Y/N couldn't have gone anywhere other than there, Harry would've closed the door and left in defeat. He held his breath. If he stayed silent like this he could hear the faint noise of Y/N's whimper and the hoarse intake of air. His head fell forward and he bit his tongue painfully, trying with any strength left in his chest to keep the burning tears from falling.

Y/N had picked the stall at the very back of the room, where she sat on the closed toilet seat with her palm in her mouth in a failing attempt to keep herself quiet.
She knew that he was there. They always felt the other's presence even before they made a noise of confirmation.
When she heard his feet carry him closer, the stream of tears increased and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Her free hand pressed to flat to her chest as she tried to somehow keep the pain from ripping her in half.

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