Chapter Twenty Seven: MCC

Start from the beginning

George was still recovering from the screeching in his ears when a sound from his computer alerted him of another person joining the call, this time however he wasn't being screamed at, and instead was met with the calm monotone voice of everyone's favourite anarchy loving pig. "Did I hear we were deafening people?" Technoblade had arrived.

"TECHNOOOOOOO." SapNap shouted, almost more enthusiastically screeching his name then he had George, not that that was really possible.

"Bruuuuh, I came here to deafen others not get defend myself." The newcomer groaned, no where near mirroring the Texan's enthusiasm. His character bore the Ravenclaw uniform, however he still kept his trademark crown.

It wasn't long after when the final member of their team joined, seeming to be going for a fashionably late entrance.


"Hey wilbur." The three of them chorused, welcoming him into the VC.

"You guys ready to anhailate our enemies." Techno asked as the three of them ran around the map, jumping up and down.

"Not sure that's the correct word to use Techno but sure."

"Anhailate is always the correct word to use." He defended as suddenly, bright red numbers appeared in the sky, counting down 30 seconds till the game began.

"ITS STAAAAARTING." SapNap screamed, pointing out the blatantly obvious fact, somehow making George chuckle. He would never fully understand the Texan.

As the countdown started George's ears were filled with the iconic Minecraft Championship music and all around them the players gathered at the gates, waiting for the event to start. As George scanned the crowed he noticed the familiar names of his friends and past teammates, most nearly unrecognisable thorough their characters skin changes. Thank god for name tags.

It wasn't long till the gates were opened and everyone was teleported to their respective boxes in the voting area. This MCC their team was Fuchsia Frankenstines, the team names and maps also getting their own halloween twist.

Sapnap jumped up and down whilst waiting for the game options to be announced.

Big sales at build mart

Parkour Warriors

Survival Games

Hole in the Wall

"What we thinking?" George asked, glancing around at his team mates. For the first two rounds they themselves would get to vote on which game they wanted to play, after that it was down to the public.

"You guys down for hole in the wall?" Wilbur suggested. "Save Survival games for later when techno can farm more points for us from it."

The others nodded, agreeing before chucking their eggs in, watching the chickens land in the corosponding red box before waiting for the other teams to finish casting their own votes and the chickens were counted up.

Game selected: Hole in the wall!

"Yes!" Sapnap celebrated as they were teleported to the game. Wishing each other good luck they prepared themselves, a timer counting down to the games start. Basically the gist of the game was that walls with, as the title descripts, holes in them, close in on you and you have to shuffle your character though the holes, but as time went on the speed got faster and the holes were harder to get though.

And soon enough the walls around them began to shift, everyone shuffling around nervously as they tried to glance around and see which wall was moving, everyone running around in a desperate attempt to not get knocked off.

It wasn't long though till the pace started speeding up and Sapnap was knocked off, leaving the three of them running around from the walls.

"No, nonono." George groaned as his character got caught behind one of the walls, dragging him off the platform. "Nooooooo." He said again as his character was thrown into the void. And then there was two.

"Go on Techno! Go on Will!" The two of them cheered on, watching their teammates from spectator mode. It was wasn't long though before the wall claimed another of their teammates.

"Nyeeeee." Techno sighed, his avatar being shoved off the wall, causing him to join George and Sapnap watching Wilbur.

"YOU GOT THIS WILBUR!" They chorused as Wilbur was left last man standing, their celebration short but sweet as the next round began and they fell back into the routine of jumping and shifting under the walls once more.

By the time the first event was done they ended up second on the leaderboard, only a hundred points away from top spot.

Next they lost the vote to the next game and had to suffer through sands of times, not doing well due to the fact George ended up dying practically every four seconds due to falling into the lava.

It is time for Audience takeover!

At this point the audience would control what game came next, and with the announcement everyone flew to twitter, ready to urge their fans into whatever game best suited them.

"Techno, you have loyal viewers, threaten them into voting for survival games." Wilbur urged whilst himself tweeting about the next game.

"Already on it." Techno replied, not long after George refreshing his twitter feed to see Techno had indeed already tweeted about the vote, advocating survival games.

George smiled, leaning back in his chair as the votes rolled in. Two games down, only a few more to go. Everything was good, everything was fine. He could do this.

Famous last words.

Guys dw if you're lonely on Valentine's Day tomorrow you can just celebrate my birthday instead 🥳🥳🥳

My friend made me a dream cake

My friend made me a dream cake

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Rip Dream

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Rip Dream

Thanku for the amazing birthday gift of 9k reads ans 1k comments! I honestly couldn't have asked for more you guys are amazing and all ur comments just make me smile my arse off

Also If none of that Hole in wall stuff made zero sense to you, don't worry, you're not dumb, I just made it up as I went along :)

Cya Wednesday


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