The Christmas Umbrella

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(Tonys prov)

I was in my lab working on part of Peter gift for Christmas. Christmas is tomorrow and everyone is getting their final touches done on their hand made presents. You see this year we had a bet to see who could make the best homemade present for their secret person, I got Peter which Im glad about. We have up to midnight to work on these projects, it started a week ago so we thought that was plenty of time to get them done. I cant wait to see peters face when he opens this, hes is going to be so exicted. 

"Oh shoot" I say to myself

Its almost midnight, I still have a few touches to put on it before I can stop. I would keep working on it past midnight but someone set up Friday to push me out my lab and lock so I cant get in, and I cant hack it so im suspecting peter did that. Its 11:49 and I finished the projected, the last 10 minuets I spent looking it over to make sure it was perfect. I then went to bed with a smile on my face knowing I was going to win this little bet we have going

---Time skip---

(Peters prov)

I woke up to someone shaking me to death

"Get up pete get up" 

"Ok, Im getting up wade, geez you would think you are a 5 year old" I said sleepily

"Oh well Im sorry that its christmas day and I want to open presents as fast as possible. You know I remember and certain spider doing the same thing to Tin can just 2 years ago" Wade said smirking down at me

I looked up at him and just now noticed he was sitting on top of me. I just smiled at him and then pushed him off the bed and sat up. Wade was on the floor pouting now and I couldnt hold in my laughter 

"Just get up ok, we can go get pancakes now" I said and helped him up

Wade smiled, kissed me and then ran out of the room like I was an after thought. I just shook my head and walked down to the kitchen. Almost everyone was there laughing and talking, the only people who werent there were mom, dad, nat, and Bucky

"Hey guys where is everyone else" I asked 

"Tony is grabbing his present, Pepper is off somewhere, Nat is still asleep none of us wanted to try and wake her, and Bucky is getting something" Sam said 

I nodded my head and grabbed some food and then sat down at the table. Wade was already on his third plate of food and was still stuffing his face full

---time skip---

(3rd person prov)

It was now time to start opening presents. We were each in our own little piles of presents. We had Steve go first who got a whole bunch of old timey things to put into his room, then for his secret gift it was a picture of Bucky, Steve, and Peggy from the war in a frame with writing from Bucky. Bucky got some black eye shadow to which we all laughed at and a whole bunch of baking supplies. Nat made him a sticker like thing for his metal arm so that it wasnt just silver

Nat got some new guns and some more of her stinging things. Wade made her gun holder that goes around her leg. Who knew he was good with the needle and thread. Wade got a new pair of katakanas and new guns. Clint made him a drawing of wade on a unicorn with peter holding on to him. Clint got some new arrows and some math book to which everyone laughed again. Bruce made him a special arrow that apparently did something that Bruce didnt want to say, so to say Clint was excited to use it is an understatement  

Bruce got a new computer, and some things for the lab. Pepper made him a kit for calming down for if he feels like hes getting to angry. Pepper got some new cloths, office supplies, and some baby book. Peter made her some of aunt mays famous cookies and gave her the recipe for them. Peter got some more things for making his webs and some new book, He also got his own lab now which made him literally jump onto the ceiling. Tony made him a new suit that had an AI built into it and a whole bunch of fancy things in it

Tony got some new soap for when he blows things up, ACDC cd, plus some books on how to be a good parent which was more for laughs than anything. Sam made him a photo book of Tonys father and in the back was a hand written note from his father to Tony saying how he was sorry and everything

"Where did you get all of this from" Tony asked 

"Well the pictures some of them I found when I was looking through your lab, some of them I got from Steve like I did the note" Sam said 

Sam was the last one to open his presents. He got some video games and a upgrade thing for red bird. Steve made him a drawing that showed Steve and Sam and in big letters at the top it said on your left. Everyone was talking and enjoying themselves when suddenly Sam stood up with a evil smile on his face

"I have a gift for all of you" Sam said 

"What is it" Clint asked 

"Oh you will see, now would everyone turn their attenchion to the TV for you are about to see the greatest show you will ever see" Sam said 

Everyone turned to the TV and waited for the video to pop up (video up above). The moment the Video popped up and started to play Peter shrunk down in to his seat trying to hid from them. Everyone watched it, at first they were confused on why Peter was tap dancing but when he came out from behind the umbrellas they all started to laugh their heads off. Sam stopped the video so that they wouldnt miss anything while they were laughing

"Wha....what are you...wearing" Clint laughed 

" see... his face... the make...up though" Sam laughed 

Peter just shrunk down even more, they werent even half way in and they already had to pause it. Once everyone was settled down enough they could continue Sam hit play.  It got to the part where Peter walked up and MJ and handed her the umbrella 

"Peter knows how to dance" Bucky said 

"Not only that... he knows how to pull off that outfit" Wade said 

The video continued and now he was dancing in the rain. By the time the video everyone was laughing their heads off and none of them could catch their breaths 

"Son....wh...what was...that" Tony asked while laughing

There was no response. Everyone looked over to where peter was to see a note and no peter. The note read

"I will now be living with Aunt May and Happy far away from you guys. Have fun" 

"He does realize that he has to be spiderman right" Nat asked 

"Oh whatever, but now we have blackmail against  him" Clint said 

"Ok I dont care if it was part of the bet or not but Sam this was by the best present" Bucky said

"Yes the winner is Sam. I think the loser in this is Peter though" Clint said 

Everyone went back to laughing at Peters pain and watched the video for the next hour on repeat, laughing even harder than the last time


Happy holidays everyone. I know this year has been crappy but I hope you guys have a good Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate 

Have a good day everyone and thank you for reading this book

Just so you know I might be starting another book I have like 3 ideas for a YJ one and 1 nonfanfiction one idk if Im going to write them or not

Anyways have a good holiday and I hope you enjoyed this chapter 

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