Sleepover at my house part 2

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"What is happening"

"Clint is about to die"

"How is he about to die, he is going up against puny Parker and plus Clint is an Avengers so how is he going to die" Flash questioned

"Hey Flash if I was you, I would shut up before the Black Widow comes after you" Harry said

"Well in this house hold we have 5 simple rules, that you only break if you want to get killed, or if we are in a prank war and you want to get killed after that" Nat explained ignoring his comment about her nephew 

"What are those rules then" Cindy asked 

" Rule number five, Dont call Rocket a raccoon, Clint learned that the hard way" Tony said laughing 

"Rule 4, Don't let Wade cook, clean, or into the building without Peter around" Bruce said

"Hey, 1) Im not that bad at cooking 2) I can clean just fine thank you very much 3) if you would just give me a card already then you wouldn't have to worry" Wade said popping out of the vents

"What are you doing in the tower again I thought I banned you the last time" Tony shouted 

"Well you did, but Im  not going to miss Clint getting is ass kicked" Wade responded, he sat down and started to eat popcorn

"Rule 3, Don't make Nat here mad, or bad things will happen also known as someone getting unalived" Wade said popping some more popcorn in is mouth, Nat is just smiling at that rule since almost someone always breaks it

"Rule 2, Never disturb Bruce,Tony, or Peter when they are in their labs. If they are all together in one lab then DON'T go in at all. Also if you here AC/DC, or anything that sounds like P!ATD, or something close to it blasting from the labs then walk away slowly and don't go down that hallway" Steve stated 

"What happens if you have to go into the labs with them in side" Casey asked

"You dont, if you value your life then you wont go into the labs, not even when dinner is ready, or when it is 3 am and you are trying to sleep but you cant because they are blasting music and blowing crap up" Sam yelled the last part at Tony

"Cant you just have Friday tell them" Cindy asked 

"Nope, our labs are the only place Friday cant talk in, and we are not that bad, sure we might throw something that is really heavy at your head, but we are not that bad" Tony said back

Everyone just looked at him with the 'really, that is what we call bad' look

"Ok, so if the second rule is that bad then what is the first one" Lucy asked 

"The first one is the worst, you do this and you better be ready to either get killed and then come back just to die again or to hide for the rest of your life and hope they dont find you" Sam said

"Rule 1, Never never ever take/eat Peters or Thor's Pop-Tarts with out permission, also dont take Bucky's cookies without him giving you permission and not before the taste testers get one and tests it" Sam said

"Who is the taste testers" Abe asked

"Peter and Wanda, speaking of her where is she" Tony asked

"Oh, her and Visy are doing something in the kitchen, last time I checked they were cooking something and it smelled good" Wade answered 

"Great they are cooking again, everyone there will be pizza for supper tonight" Tony yelled 

(Peter prov)

After I handed Clint his bow we were ready to fight. Clint looked like a baby who just got in trouble, which he did. NO one eats my Pop-tarts  without me giving them permission so now he must die. Ok that might be taking a bit far but I am going to beat him almost there, at this point I dont care if my class finds out that I'm Stark or that I'm Spider-man, I just want to make Clint and Wade pay for what they did

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