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Ok so this might not be the best oene of my chapters mostly becasue i just thought of this idea at like 3am while reading another fanfiction

also I just now relized pretty much all of these chapters are reloving around Peter, I have other ideas but have no clue how to write them so for now we are only have peter stuff 

ok lets get started with this chater 


(Tonys Prov)

Today is Peter brithday, we are all super exicted to be celebrating it with him this year. This is his first birthday living with us and for some reason he has been mopping around and has been in a bad mood for like a week. We have all tried to cheer him up but no matter what we do we cant get him to be happy for more than 5 minutes. right now we all having an meeting to talk about who is doing what for the party

"Ok Peter is our right now, he said that he will be back in a few hours so we have some time to get this party set up" I said 

"Ok so what should we do then" Steve asked 

"So we need someone to get the cake"

"I can do that" Nat said 

"Good, now we are going to need at least 5 people to do decorations, so Clint, Bruce, Scott, Wanda, and Thor you guys will do the decorations"

everyone nodded 

"Hey guys, are you sure you want to do a birthday party for him" Wade asked 

everyone turned to look at him like he just turned into one of their worst nightmaires 

"Of course we are, why wouldnt we. This is one of the happest days in the year for someone, why wouldnt they want to celebrate it" I asked 

"It might be the happest for you" Wade mumbled "Im just saying he has been in a bad mood lately and also I dont think its a good idea"

"Thats why we need to throw one, get him out of his sad mood and be happy again. Why isnt it a good idea, dont you want him to be happy" Harley asked 

Wade gave him the wrost glare I have ever seen one give. Harley sanked down into his seat. Wade stood up and started to walk out before he turned and said

"Of course I want him to be happy. Just if you guys are insiting on doing this make sure that you have two cakes, the second one HAS to be chocolate and vinilla swirl. Buttercream iceing that is yellow. Put no words or decorations on it, and NO candles. Ill keep Peter out of the building till 5" 

Wade then walked out of the room leaving all of us confused. After he left we all turned to look at each other and I can tell that everyone is as confused as I am 

"Yellow isnt even his favorite color" Clint said 

"Well Wade knows Peter better than any of us so i guess we should do what he says. Ok so Harley go with Nat to get  the two cakes while everyone else is working here to get the tower ready, we have till five now" I said 

"What are you going to be doing while all of us are doing this" Clint asked 

"Im working on his present in the lab"

(Peters prov)

Today is my birthday. Also known as the wrost day of the year ever since 5 years ago. I know its supposed to be all happy and everything. But its not for me, this day is just a reminder for me, a reminder of how I wasnt there fast enough. How I could have saved them. Today is one of the sadest days to me, I know it has been 5 years but on this day it always feels like it just happened. Im sure the Avengers are planning something since this is the first year that I'm living with them, but I dont feel up to a party. I dont deserve one. Im currently just walking around queens, not really paying attention to where I'm going. I looked at my phone to see that Wade has texted me 50 times, Tony 24, and Nat 89. I just look at them and then put my phone back in my pocket and start walking to the cemertary.  When i get there its like my legs have a mind of their own and next thing I know im standing in front of two headstones 

Im surrounded by idiotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum