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so I have like 2 chapter that have been sitting as drafts because I keep coming up with other ideas and I also dont know how to write them, but hey heres another chapter hope you like it


(Peters prov)

Hi im Peter Parker...well I guess you already knew that since it says Peters prov and most of these chapters have been in my prov, anyways...umm... I dont know what to spiderman...I guess you guys would already know that to. You know what Im just going to tell you what is going on so that you guys are caught up

So since my parents died I lived with my aunt and my uncle. When I was 14 my uncle got shot and died, I wasnt able to save him even though I have powers. I pushed through that dark period of my life and now im here. I just got adopted by the Tony Stark aka Iron Man aka the person ive looked up to for so long. Some of you might be wondering "well Parker what about aunt May what happened to her" dont worry she is ok, her and Happy got together and are now married so its all good. Its only been about a week since I got adopted by Tony, he already had one son, his name is Harley we became good friends right away

So now you guys are basically caught up on what is going lets get on with the actual story now. curently im at school even though I dont want to be. Today has been boring to no end, nothing is happening other than the teachers teaching to a half dead class

"Hey Pete, do you want to hang out after school" Ned asked

"Is this just a way for you to meet Banner again" I asked

"Possably but I also have a suprise in my bag that I think you will like so, how about it"

"Sure why not, you want to come to MJ"

"Hang out with you losers" MJ asked

"Yeah, but you will also get to talk to Nat again and plus be kinda socialble" I said

She looked at me and just went back to reading. Me and Ned looked at each other and shrugged, guess we will be finding out at the end of school. The bell finally rung telling us the end of class was finally here

"See you guys after school then" I said and then walked away

I went to the rest of my classes and then meet up with MJ and Ned at the front of the school. Wade was also with them so I guess he is coming over also

"Hey Bambi" Wade yelled

"Hey Wade, what are you doing here"

"Oh what I cant come and see my boyfriend"

"No you can, just didnt know you were coming here, I thought we were going to meet at the building again"

"I couldnt wait to see you" Wade said and then he kissed me

"Ok can we get going now" Ned said

"Calm down loser, we have to wait for Happy to come anyways" MJ said

"Wait Happy isnt here yet, hes always on time"

"No we have been waiting here for about 5 minuets and he still hasnt shown up" Ned said

"Mmmm...something is up then, let me text Tony"

I texted Tony to see what was going on but I got no response, so I tried to call him. Nothing, I tried Nat, nothing, then I tried Clint since I know the other two would have answered if there was nothing going on but he didnt answer either

"Mmmm... no one is answering, well I guess we have to walk to the tower, good thing its not that far" I say

We all started to walk to the tower, me and Wade were holding hands. We were all talking about random things by the time we got to the tower Me, Ned, and Wade were in a argument and MJ was just reading something on her phone chiming in when she felt like it. Once we were in the elevator the argument started again

Im surrounded by idiotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin