The Quiet day

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Cap and the rest of the Avengers just moved in with Tony, Pepper, Harley, and Peter. Of course they have all meet Harley and Peter but they didnt know much about them other than 

Harley: Adopted, is in college, Not a super hero of any kind, Likes to read and play video games. Not dating anyone

Peter: Adopted, in high school, is spiderman, Likes science and buidling thing, could be in college if he wanted to be even though he is 15, Dating Wade Wilson aka deadpool

other than those facts they know nothing about the boys but from what they have seen the two boys are close even with the age gape. Right now Peter was in his room. Harley, Clint, Nat, Sam, Wanda, and Rhodes were in the living room talking and doing their own thing. Steve and Bucky were in the kitchen making something. Bruce and Tony were down in their labs blowing something up

"Hey what are you two making out there" Nat yelled 

"Cookies.... ok Bucky is making Cookies" Steve said 

"Bucky you can cook??" Harley asked 

"Well I can bake. sweets and me get along better than me and a steak. Steve though can cook, his cooking is really good" Bucky said 

"Well I for one want to try these cookies and that cooking. I didnt even know either of you knew what a oven was" Clint laughed 

"For that you can be the last person to try the cookies" Bucky said 

Clint pouted while everyone else was laughing. As they were laughing Peter came walking in with headphones in, but instead of him walking on the floor he was walking on the ceiling. Everyone but Harley was surprised, sure they knew he was spiderman but he usually didnt walk on the ceiling

"Umm... we should say something" Sam asked 

"'sigh' another one, why are they happening so much this month" Harley asked himself not paying attention to others watching him

When he looked back up at everyone, Steve was about to tap Peter 

"Wait, no dont tou" But it was to late 

Steve tapped Peters back, which in turn made Peter jump and fall back to the ground. Peter looked around quickly just to realize that everyone was staring at him. Peter stood up, took out his head phone and wrapped his arms around himself

"you ok Peter" Steve asked 

"Uh...oh... yeah im good" Peter said 

"Are you sure kid, you seem out of it" Clint said 

"Yeah. Fine" 

Nat was about to say something but Harley beat her to it

"He said he is fine, now let him get his poptarts and a water so he can go back to his room" 

Peter send a thankful glance at Harley, he quickly grabbed the food and drink and then hurried back to his room. The only thing any of them could here was Peters door being closed. Harley dug out his phone and texted someone while everyone stared at him confused 

"Come on answer already" Harley said to himself

"Finally jeez you would think he would answer sooner since its about his boyfriend" 

At that everyone knew Harley was texting Wade. What they werent expecting though was that not even 10 minuets later Wade was jumping out of a vent standing right in front of Harley

"Oh so you can come in less them 10 minuets when its about peter, but cant answer you phone after 20 different texts saying PHGQA" Harley asked rising a eyebrow

"Yeah yeah, what ever I was doing my job. Now on to Peter what level is this one" Wade asked 

"I would say a 6, he spoke but he also snapped a bit. He had his headphones in and I could hear the faintest Citizen solider playing" 

"Ok what song" 

"Ummm... I think it was 'Weight of the world'" 

"mmm...ok so he might be on level 7 now. Did he get anything to eat yet"

"Yeah he just got some poptarts I dont know if he has eaten any yet though" 

"Ok, does Tony know about this one. God what number is this one now...3 or is it 5" 

"No he doesnt yet I was going to tell him once you went to Peter. This is actually number 8, we didnt tell you some of them because it was only a level 1-3" 

"One, rude you should have still told me. two, go tell Tony and also explain what is going on to them, they all look like they are ready to pop like popcorn with question" 

Wade then walked to peter room, he went inside slowly and quietly. Harley turned everyone who was staring at him with questions

"Yeah hold on. Friday tell Dad that Peter has gone quiet again" 

"Right away sir" Friday said 

"Ok sit down and ask your questions since I know you have them" Harley said while sitting down

The ones that werent already sitting down sat down 

"Ok what was all of that" Steve asked 

"So I know you guys are new and I guess dad forgot to tell you guys about this but Peter has these days that he just goes quiet and wont speak to anyone no matter who they are. On these days we just let him do whatever he wants but also keep an eye on him" Harley said 

"Whats with the numbers then" Sam asked 

"We started to put a rating on how bad it is because there will some times when he will speak just not that much, then other times he wont speak at all. It all depends on how much he talks really, and how he talks if he does talk. Like when he did the half snap at Clint that bumbed him up to a level 6. Now he is a level 7 ish because of the music" 

"So what your saying is that it all depends on multiple things" Bucky asked 

"Yeah pretty much, We dont know what caused these days to occur. They kinda just happen and we role with it" 

"How bad is it Harley" Tony yelled coming into the room

"7 ish now. Wade is in his room with him now, dont know how much that will help now but it will do somthing at least" 

"Why didnt you tell us about this Tony" Nat asked 

"Honestly I forgot. Dont ask me how since this happens at least once a month but I forgot to tell you, now that you know though, leave him alone. Dont touch him, dont try to have long conversations with him. Each of those tic him off and he will go off or just shut down completely, just say hey so he knows that you are there" Tony said 

Everyone nodded since they really had no right to argue with the man that is letting them stay in his house, or question his parenting style. Ever since that day whenever they saw Peter having one of those days they leave him alone but also make sure he knows they are there for him if he needs them


Another chapter baby!! I know its been a while since I posted on this but here it is

Can we take a quick minute to talk about wandavision. I dont want to give anything away incase someone hasnt seen it yet but like its sooo good. I would also like to point out that I had a feeling of that being the reason for it all but I wasnt sure. And now it is all making sense and coming together in my mind. If you havent watched it then I reconmend watching it its really good

Also I would like to say that between school, Wandavision, the promised neverland new episodes, seven deadly sins new episodes, and other animes. My brain is fried and im using all of my brain cells on those things bascally, so if something doesnt sound right or it doesnt match up it is because of those things 😂

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