Codes are key part 2

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Peters prov

Crap I actually forgot that my class is here and now I have these things to worry about

"Ok listen to me when I say this, you have to follow everything that I saw or else you might get killed" I said while looking around to make sure that no one was near

"Yeah like I would listen to you Parker, I would rather die than do that" Flash said

"Ok well then I hope your funeral is nice" I shot back

"Hey Peter, what do all those codes mean" Shelly asked

"Ok so the first code mean that someone stole Bucky's cookies, which is not cool since those are the best, code blue means that there is a nerf gun war going on, and code PW means that there is a prank war going on as well, which is the worst combination to have if you ask me"

All of them just stared at me like I just spoke in a different language, which I guess I kinda did since they had no clue

"Hey Fri who all is in this"

"Would you like to know the PW or nerf war mini boss" Of course there just have to be different people for both

"Both please and tell where they are" I responded

"Ok, well Katniss, Birdbrain, Capscial, Tin Can, God of no good, Princess of no good, Space Dude, Mama Sider,Robot, DP, Witch, and you are all in the prank war" (Leave a comment if you think you know everyone that was just listened)

Great the others are here to, why couldn't it just be the main group. Shuri is in this to!!! There's no team for prank war also so this will be interesting

"Ok so who is in the nerf war then" I asked scared to get the answer

"Everyone I just said except for Capscial, God of no good, then there is also, shrink man, Katnisses kids, Cassie, Raccoon, and tree"

Ughhhh "ok everyone we need to move, follow me and if you see any of the Avengers or kids tell me unless you want to get hit with soemthing"

"Yeah right I'm going to listen to puny little Parker, who I bed just made this all up" Flash yelled

"Ok first how would he make this up, and second I can tell you that this is not made up, so if you don't want to be as low as your IQ I suggest that you listen to him" MJ said

I just smiled at her and started to walk away, I could hear that my class was following me which is a good thing. I stopped before going around the corner and let Loki tell me is it was good to go. He may be in the prank war but I still trust him in this. He gave me the clear to go so I started to walk again

"Ok everyone we are going to the training room, there bound to be someone in there so keep you voices down and if you see someone please no yelling"

We made it to the training room and just as I thought there were at least 5 people in there trying not to get it by each other

I told my class to wait in the safest part, behind the glass they don't need to get hit like I'm sure they will. I walked into the training room and saw my team on one side while, it looked like they were winning so far

"Hey where is Wade and the others" I asked to Clint

"So wade may or may not be in your room just chilling, and then shuri is in your lab, Wanda is doing something. And thats all I know, as you can see im in the middle of something"

Bullets were flying everywhere, I made it out of the training room but not before I hit some star Lord, Any man, and my dad

"Ok everyone we are going to go up to my room now"

----little time skip-----

When I opened the door to my room, my legs were instantly wrapped in a hug that was given by Cassie

"Petey he is being mean to me" Cassie said

I looked up and saw Wade on my bed just smirking, I bent down and picked Cassie up

"What did he do to you"

"He keeps tell me to do stuff to you and be mean, but I can't and he won't let me on the bed"

I looked over a Wade and gave him a really look. I have a king sized bed, he could easily let her on the bed. He just smirked at me again, ugh I hate it when he does that

"It's ok we can get him back later, for now we need to go and get the others ok"


I started to walk away and noticed that Wade wasn't coming, we can't do our best prank planning without him

"Are you coming or what"

"Yeah be there in a sec ok"

------time skip----- (it's like almost 1 in the morning and I feel like that is going on for awhile)

So somehow we all ended up in the cafeteria with flipped over tables as shields, all of us shooting at each other. Some how my class got involved and it turned out to be a really fun field trip in my book

I just hope this never happens again

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