who are they??

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(Third person prov)

Tony, Clint, Steve, and Bucky were in the living room watching Once Upon A Time on Netflix when they heard a lot of yelling. They all looked at each other with a worried face, they couldn't tell where the yelling came from.

"You stupid idiot"

"Oh yeah coming from the one who just jumped into action"

"Well at least I did something, instead of just standing there like an idiot with a helmet over my head"

The elevator door opened and the 4 could see Peter and 4 other people we in it. Peter and a kid with a gold helmet on his head were aguring while the other 3 just stood there looking annoyed. They walked out of the elevator still aguring not paying attention to anyone else around them. Nat, Bruce, Sam, and Wanda all came walking out because they heard the commotion

"You could have died, plus I'm the leader of this group so what I say goes"

"Oh great we are back onto this whole thing, Nova you are not the leader of this group, if anything I am" Peter yelled

"Ohhh nooo, you are not the leader, you basically just joined the team" Nova yelled

"I joined a year ago, you guys lived with me and and my aunt May for two week of that year. I have more experience than any of you in the field" Peter yelled back as he grabbed food from the cupboard

"Does anyone know what is going on here" Bruce asked. All he got was everyone shaking their heads

"Oh don't pull that card out on us, we all know that we couldnt live where we used to not at least it was repaired. So what if you have more field experience, I'm still obviously the best choice for leader" Nova yelled

"Guys let's just take a deep breath" Iron Fist said

"Shut up Danny" Nova and Peter yelled at the same time

"It's no use dude you know how they get whenever this happens, no one can break it apart" Luke said

"Ok whatever spider head but I'm sure they will agree me, right??" Nova yelled

"Hey don't drag us into this whole thing, personally neither of you should be leader" White tiger said

"Ugh what every Peter is just being a stupid spider"

"I am not Sam, there were lives in danger bucket head"

The Avengers that were in the room were very confused by what was going on

"Oh you did not just go there spider ham"

"Yes I did, that was one time thing and I didn't even want to be a pig. Tin head"

"Eight eyes"

"Big ego"

"Full of self"

"Oh I'm full of myself, who's the one that always tries to be the leader without earnig it. Or who is the one that always goes into battle without thinking" Peter yelled

"He got you there dude, now can you two stop fighting" Luck said

Peter and Sam were about to yell at luke when someone Intrupted them

"HEY, What is going on. Why are you two fighting and who are you" Tony yelled

Both boys busted out yelling each saying what happened

"Hey, one at a time. Peter you go"

"Well we were on a mission and finally found the bad guys. Well when we found the bad guys they had people at gun point. This idiot over here just stood there and didn't move. So then I jumped into action and webbed the guns away from them and  those three joined in, after a bit Nova finally joined in and helped" Peter said with a Huff

"Umm.. Ok now your turn... Nova?? "

"All of that is true but you just jumped into battle like always without a plan and if you had one you didn't tell us what it was" Nova yelled

"Yes I did on the way over there, I told all of you the plans. You just didn't listen to them like always" Peter said

"Ok boys it sounds like both of you are right, Peter if you did tell them the plan then you should have told them again, now Nova you should listen to the plans, didn't this happen  the last time you guys fought" Steve asked

"Well I mean I guess" Nova and Peter said at the same time

"Wait you know these guys" Clint asked

"Yeah I trained them, when someone decided it was a good idea to take my shield and use it as a toy" Steve said glaring at Nova

"Yeah, sorry bout that" Nova said

"Ok well would you guys like to introduce your self's to the rest of us" Bucky asked

"I'm Nova, but I real name is Sam"

"Hey another Sam" Sam said

"I am iron Fist, but you can call me Danny"

"Sup I'm white tiger also known as Ava"

"And I'm Luke Cage"

"You all already know me" Peter said.

"Ok now that all of that is over with, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!! " Tony yelled

"Well we got hungry and you are closer than aunt May is so we just decided to come here" Peter said

"What am I going to do with you teenagers"

Sorry for the short chapter but this idea just came to my head and I had to write it out before I lost it 😁

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