Mushroom Cow

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Painkiller - Beach Bunny

I wake up under a thick cloth. I rub my eyes and pull it up only to notice it's the tent that we never fixed. I look around. Tommy is snoring on top of the tent a couple feet away from me and Dream is beside me, tucked under the covers. I don't remember a lot from last night except for sneaking into L'manberg with Dream at night and coming back with eggs for some reason and laughing a lot.

I groan and sit up, trying to not wake anyone, and rub my temples. After the tent collapsed, Tommy wanted Coke but Dream wouldn't let him back and made him sit on a log until we came back from L'manberg. We couldn't find Coke and ended up stealing eggs from Lazarbeam for fun. I don't think we did anything with it though. I look around and see a chest overflowed with eggs. Why eggs? After that we just came home and fell asleep.

I sigh and stand up, grabbing a hoodie I stole from Tubbo. I pull it over my head and smell the flowers and cake scent that seems to always linger on him.


After drinking tea with Fundy in L'manberg, I start my walk back to Logstedshire. I think over my conversations with Dream from last night because I feel like I'm forgetting something that I was supposed to do...FUCK.

I break into a sprint to the portal just as Dream comes through. His mask is straight and his clothes are clean. His axe is slung over his shoulder making me gulp.

"I'm so so sorry. I forgot about the deal and I just wanted to see Fundy because I told him we would have tea together and I didn't mean to come. Really, I forgot about the whole-"

He puts a hand up, cutting me off. He takes a couple steps towards me and I play with my fingers. "Lia, look around..." I look into his black painted eyes before turning around to the town. Dream puts his hands on my shoulders and moves me to look in different directions. Everyone is talking and outside working. Fundy is whispering to Punz about something while snickering. "No one wants you here, no one wants us here." He whispers to me.

"But...I just had-" he points to Fundy who seemed to be staring at me with Punz and Bad before turning around. I hear them laugh quietly which makes my heart break.

"I told you to only come a certain amount of times for a reason Lia. I wouldn't say that all for Tommy." I nod wiping a tear.

Why am I crying? Why? I never cry.

He side hugs me and walks me to the portal. "I'll be back soon." I nod and walk through just as I hear Dream call Tubbo over. I sigh and walk around the nether aimlessly.

I thought me and Fundy were friends. I thought he would have my back. I mean, HE invited ME to tea with him. I take Tubbo's hoodie off and toss it on the ground. My eyes linger on it for a moment before catching the attention of a ghast in the distance. Of course. I hide behind a conveniently placed obsidian wall and glance to my feet. I'm wearing red athletic shorts and a long sleeve cropped white shirt. I don't even have anything on my but a bandana around my wrist. This will be fun for me. I pick up a broken bow on the ground next to an old arrow. I bite my lip before aiming it at the ghast. I close one eye in concentration and let go of the arrow between my fingers, letting it soar through the air and fireball charging at the monster. It engulfs in flames before dying and I smile in accomplishment.

"Good shot." I turn and see Dream. His mask is on the side of his face and he's sweaty and dirty. His green hoodie has stains of dirt and blood.


"Don't worry about me. I just fell down a hill." He chuckles and I nod suspiciously. He seems to notice my disbelief and sighs, "Seriously, don't worry. I was talking to Tubbo about Tommy's conditions, he seemed to get upset by the topic making him tear up which Quackity noticed, so he shot me with an arrow. I got out of there just in time though." He smiles goofily and I put my hands to my mouth.

"Oh Dream, I'm so sorry. Come on, we might have some stuff to help with the wound." I pull his hand in the direction to the portal and he nods.

"Fine but only because I need to make sure Tommy doesn't do anything stupid. And because I don't want to be rude."

I roll my eyes, "Oh come on, you exiled Tommy and basically me too, let us care for you." I say sarcastically to which he smirks at.

"Thank you my Servant." I scoff. "Too much?"

"Too much."

———— ————————————-

"Liaaa!" I turn right as Tommy hugs me to the ground.

"Ugh. Tubbo's right, you are the clingy one." Dream laughs but Tommy grumbles as he gets off me.

"Someone brought us a cow." He mumbles as he pulls me up.

"A cow?"

"A mushroom cow." I scrunch up my nose before entering the camp. Huh. There is a mushroom cow.

"Henry?" I ask.

"Henry." Tommy glares at the cow as he speaks.

"Hm." I hum in response. I know how much Tommy loved the original Henry. I brush my hands over the red mushrooms sprouting from its body.

"Well...he gives us food." I make a bowl and toss it to Tommy who makes a disgusted face as mushroom stew pours into the bowl.

"Huh." Tommy looks up to me and shrugs before taking a small sip of the stew. He shrugs again and I look to Dream who has a blank face. He always has a blank face now.

Ariadne: a story of the dream smp حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن