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"You can't be serious." Hannah scoffs, leaning against the shop wall. I nervously glance to her, looking back to the mirror where the dress i was told to get in barely fits me.

"I don't know, I can't even find a dress. Maybe this is a sign not to go." I say to the older girl, taking a new red dress from a worker.

"You're ridiculous. Just try that one on, you've already agreed to coming theres no use in backing out now." Hannah says, gesturing to the dressing room again. I sigh, walking back into the small room and taking the dress of quickly.

The one I got handed is in my size (unlike the previous dress) so I let out a sigh of relief when the fabric doesn't tug anywhere uncomfortable. Once the dress is zipped, I look at myself with a frown.

I actually like the dress. This wasn't supposed to happen, i should have gotten an ugly dress so I can go back home and never go to the banquet. Now that I have the dress I have no choice but to go.

"Does it fit?" Hannah asks. I look over the design, liking the mesh sleeves.

"Yea." I answer my friend after a couple seconds. Hannah pulls the teal curtains open and grins at me.

"I like the stars." She says, holding my arm up. I nod, looking over the sparkly stars on the red dress.

"You like it?" Hannah asks after a second of us inspecting me.

"Oh yea. I'm so ready to die in this dress because of that cult." I scoff, only half joking. Hannah winces and looks back at the dress.

"At least the blood would match the dress.. It's my favorite color y'know." I continue. Hannah rolls her eyes, closing the curtain again.

"Just change back so we can buy it." She says in annoyance.

"Yea, yea. Don't worry about me using it too much now, I'll be wearing it forever in my afterlife." She doesn't respond and i snicker, knowing I've annoyed her enough for one day.

Time skip

"So your actually going?" Clay asks with a raised eyebrow. I nod, scratching Oli's belly.

"Hannah really wants me to go with her and I'm not gonna let her down, besides, niki and puffy will be there for me. Eret said they would pick me up when it's time to leave and I can stay with them for the night." Clay nods, taking in the information as he clenches his jaw.

"Right, yea, ok." He mumbles, picking at the fabric of his orange jumpsuit. I glance to his mullet and back to his cut up hands.

"So your turning 17 in a few days." Clay brings up. I look at my hanging calendar and nod, in four days people will consider me 17.

"Yea, Connor didn't know me and Tommy are twins by the way, I guess some people just don't know." I shrug, "George is also going to the banquet, I'm gonna try to find time to talk to him, he saw something and I just want to make sure he doesn't tell anyone." I say vaguely, playing with Oli's soft ears.

"Connor." Clay mumbles, scratching his neck. I nod, squinting at his blurry figure through the screen before looking at the Dreamon sleeping. Green wind flies around his head and he's much smaller when he's not alert.

"Yea, what does he have to do-"

"What did George see happen?" Clay cuts me off, leaning in. I hesitate to drop the subject of Connor to move onto something I don't want to talk about, but knowing Clay, I sigh, giving in.

"I'm getting these weird shock things, I don't think it's the Dreamon, though, my hair is naturally growing out to cover my face so that's annoying." I bring up. He nods understandingly but keeps his eyes trained on me.

Ariadne: a story of the dream smp Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang