we were the people

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"Lia, Lia come on."

"It's noon Lia, we have to meet up with Tubbo"

I groan as I wake to Ranboo. The sun is shining brightly out the window, ushering me to cover my eyes.

"What?" My scratchy voice asks quietly.

"Lia, we were supposed to meet up with a Tubbo for lunch, we should get going." He says calmly, standing up from the end of my bed before making his way to my closet.

"Oh, yea sorry. Can you- yes thank you." I sit up, nodding to the painted overalls and yellow shirt he throws to me.

"Get dressed, ill be outside." Ranboo says before leaving my bright room. I sigh quietly, peaking under my curtains to see Ranboo awkwardly watching Oli do his business. Turning back around, I groggily stand up, carry my clothes to the bathroom, and get changed as well as doing my own business.

"I don't own enough sweatpants." I mumble, looking at the small amount of dirty clothes, my three pairs of sweatpants among the pile.

Quietly, I pull my high tops on and tie them well before pulling my hair in a lazy bun. It's good enough, too fancy for a day like today, but it works.

"Sorry, I'm ready." I say to Ranboo as I adjust my quiver on my back.

"Ok, I believe Tubbo is on his way, lunch will be nice Lia. You guys need to talk about it at some point." He reminds me, letting me hop on his back. I avoid looking at the ground from his height and rest my head on his shoulder.

"I know. Just last time we talked about this same subject, it was for nothing. And awkward. Everything is so much more real this time. He's actually dead." I say in a low tone, ignoring the slow walk Ranboo is striding.

"Yea, I know." A silence falls between me and my tall friend. It wasn't necessary uncomfortable, instead it was more of an understanding silence. We both knew this was gonna be so much harder, especially with our new knowledge, or rather, lack of knowledge.

"Where are we supposed to meet up?" I ask Ranboo, opening my eyes slightly.

He moves me higher on his back as he readjusts, "I believe right up here. Tubbo wanted to meet in the middle of here and the water tunnel to Snowchester since he watched Michael yesterday."

"Oh ok." I yawn. A blurry figure with blonde hair slowly makes its way closer, but rubbing my eyes, I'm met with nothing. Now I'm getting hallucinations, great.

"Oh hey Tubbo." Ranboo's smile is heard in his voice as the sound of walking stops below me. I don't bother opening my eyes, expecting a conversation to come up from the two. Instead I'm met with silence once again. Ranboo taps my leg a couple times, leaving me to tap his face back. He lets me down carefully afterwards.

I'm about to complain before seeing red shoes nervously shuffle on the path. I slowly look up, feet to head, examining the person in front of me.

"Tommy?" Ranboo asks in a shell shocked voice. Air catches in my throat at the sight of my previous fierce and loud, dead, twin being replaced with a quiet and nervous, alive, twin.

"Yea hi." He replies swiftly. I'm left staring at him, the bright blue orbs we share instead being dark grey, similar to the color in exile. His old fluffy, clean, blonde hair is now dirty and flat, a single white streak is painted through his hair, leaving me to question what truly happened.

"Is it really you?" Ranboo questions, slowly pulling something out from his back pocket. I make eye contact with Tubbo, who has the same expression as me, hiding behind Ranboo slightly.

"I mean, yea." Tommy replies dully. Ranboo slowly hands Tommy a fresh allium, looking at me and Tubbo.

"Don't worry, we'll be able to tell if this is the real Tommy just by what he does to the flower." I nod slowly before hearing a switch of metal. Tommy is burning the end of the flower with a lighter.

My previous fidgeting hands are now dead by my side, watching as the real Tommy burns a flower. He looks back up to us after tossing the allium on the ground, meeting our shocked faces.

"Whys Tubbo doing that?" He asks, watching as Tubbo ducks close to Ranboo. I take a small shuffle forward, almost forgetting I was behind Ranboo.

"Tommy?" I ask quietly. I walk around Ranboo and stare at him in shock. He smiles slightly and opens his mouth to say something but, I'm already hugging him.

"Please stop dying Toms." I muffle into his dirty shirt. He tightens his grip slightly at the mention of dying but loosens when I take a small breath in.

"What-" Oli's long body stretches up to Tommy's waist, begging for attention from a new person. I watch blanked, as Tommy's concerned face looks from my dog to me, before quickly hugging me again. We all stay quiet as Tommy looks over Ranboo's new scars and wedding ring placed on his horn, matching with Tubbo's. We watch as Ranboo shakily hugs Tommy, biting his lip as he clearly holds back painful tears. We let out small whimpers at the sight of Oli hugging Tommy's legs for attention.

At that point in time, everyone was behind, no one knew the whole story. None of us did at least. We just knew we were all too shocked to say anything, purely savoring the happy time in fear of it slipping from our grasps all too soon.

We were scared. Who wouldn't be?

Demons, time travelers, ghosts, murderers, they all existed in our world. In our land. In our friendships.

And there were always more to come.

Always a new poor soul into our lives, never to leave.

A new soul into our cursed lives.

No one escaped the harsh reality of the Dream SMP.

And that's how it always has been.

Killing Dream wont prevent that either.

Stopping all the Dreamons in the world won't prevent it.

Because it's the people who make it cursed.

And we were the people.

And the people didn't know they were the bad guys.

And we were the people.


Hey y'all. Technically a month of lore and my book is over :D

Ariadne: a story of the dream smp Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora