a new traitor

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La Jolla - Wilbur

I wake up in the same forest. The last thing I remember is this forest, and walking through it. I groan and try to sit up, immediately falling back down. I wince and suck air through my teeth at the sudden pain in my head and abdomen. I look down and see blood trailing down my shirt. I push myself up and against a nearby rock, also covered in blood. I slowly pull my shirt up, making me wince again. There is a huge slash around my stomach and waist. I sigh slowly and shakily making my head hurt. I put my shirt back down and put my fingers against my temples but instead of skin I feel blood. I look at it on my finger and try to remember what happened last night.






Beach party

I gasp at the last thought and pull myself up and steady against a tree. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to tame my headache. I open my eyes when I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Ranboo with a worried expression. I throw myself into his arms and bury myself into his chest, immediately feeling ok.

"A-are you ok? What happened?" He lifts my head off his chest while caressing my cheeks. I feel tears stream down my face as my body aches and stings.

"I...i don't know. I-I went into the woods f-for food and then someone came up to me and they..." I feel myself quiver and shake and he gets it, pulling me back into a hug, rubbing my back.

"I'm so sorry Lia." He says quietly.

I sniffle and pull back again, "Are you here for the party? It's that way." I point past the trees and Ranboo shakes his head.

"I didn't get invited. I came to get you. Tubbo really misses you but...I guess that's kind of off the table now.. visiting people. Let's uh...let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" I nod and lean on him for support as we walk through the somehow peaceful trees. Ranboo asks every couple seconds if I'm ok, which, I love the guy, but come on. I hear Dream in the distance and stop Ranboo once we see him and Tommy talking. I hug Ranboo again.

"Go through the portal and I'll meet you on the other side. I just want to tell them where I'm going." He nods and let's go of me before sneaking past the boys and to the obsidian portal. He salutes before dissolving, something I've realized my friends have taken off of me over time. I take a deep breath and walk up to the boys, well, more like limp, but still.

"Am I late?" I ask them. Tommy doesn't look to me but I see his jaw tighten. I glance to Dream but he's staring at the ground. "Guys?" I ask, taking a step closer.

"Go away Lia." Tommy says quietly but firmly. I'm taken aback but I force a chuckle, thinking it's a joke.

"Did it start?" I ask quietly.

"Go away." Tommy says louder.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Just, just go away." Tommy says even louder. I take a small step back and glance to Dream. He's staring at my body in horror but Tommy still hasn't looked up.

"After everything?? I came with you when no one else did! I've been here for you! Why would-"

"Go away! You betrayed me!" He shouts, now looking at me.

"No." My voice is quiet, barley above a whisper. He tries to take a step towards me when he notices the blood but I step back again. "No. You betrayed me."

"Wai-" I walk away, anger swimming through my body. I walk into my tent, packing my bag full of everything I have. I put my coat, sunglasses, and crown in the bag, before leaving Logstedshire for good. Tommy still on the beach arguing with Dream.

"Damn. Ok." I look to the sound of the voice and see Eret looking at my outfit that's covered in blood. My bow is swung over my shoulder on the strap Dream got me. I look around, trying to ignore the stares from Eret and Ranboo. Tubbo, Fundy, and Quackity are in the distance watching us while Ranboo, Eret, Techno (who is here for some reason), and Purpled are by the portal. In a group hiding I see Sapnap and George. I roll my eyes at the stares and start to walk past everyone and down the path to Eret's castle. When I don't hear people coming, I turn back to them.

"You coming?" I ask with a strained voice. Techno walks up first and starts to walk by my side. I try not to limp but blood is still coming from my head and stomach so it's hard.

"Your such a badass." Purpled says once he joins me.

"Cause I'm dying?" I ask. He chuckles.

"Cause your walking past people who hate you with a strut and clothes of enemies." I don't respond but I feel myself smirk at the thought.

"You need help?" Eret's deep voice asks. I shake my head and continue to look ahead.

"Lia!" Dreams voice rings through my ears as I turn to see him running up to me.

"What?" I ask with a straight face.

"He..he didn't mean it." He pants.

"He fucking told me to leave and basically never come back. After everything I've fucking done for him." I take a step closer. "He meant that. And I'm not going to pity him for being exiled. So I'm going to fucking listen to that bitch for one second. I'm not going back." I turn back around and walk away from him while my body aches for rest.

Tubbo's POV:

"Well shes changed. That's for sure." Quackity says through gritted teeth. He's been really upset about Lia lately. Especially since she's been hanging out with enemies. Fundy is just annoyed she left in the first place, and I...I don't know how to feel. She's different, of course, but I can't hate her. I guess I also can't be annoyed, it's my fault she left. Maybe I could hate her? Quackity can.

I glance to Sapnap and George who stare at the group in complete silence, unreadable expressions on their faces. I sigh and tighten my tie, something I've realized i do when I'm stressed out. We all came here as soon as George overheard Ranboo talking to Eret about Lia. Techno showed up for some reason, but he's still here. Purpled I guess is her new friend.

"Yeah. She has." I say quietly as I watch her limp into Eret's castle.

"For fucks sake." Dream pulls at his hair as he watches the doors to the castle close. I almost forgot he was here. Quackity stomps up to him after breaking through Fundy's grasp.

"What did you do to her?! She's just like you and the rest of them! You've turned her into a fucking-" Quackity yells, tears brimming his dark eyes.

"I didn't do anything! It's not my fault you let her follow Tommy into exile! None of you even tried to see or talk to her!" He looks to me and Fundy as he yells to Quackity.

"We would have if she weren't insane and evil like the rest of you!" Quackity yells.

"Dude..." Fundy scolds.

"No! She is!" Quackity turns to him. "Did you see her fucking bow?! Or the dirty trench coat?! Huh?! What about the crown?! Or the glasses?! She's no different than them! She's a traitor!" I shake my head and replay the scene of Techno putting the clothes on Lia.

"Shut up Quackity." I say quietly.

He takes a step to me. "What? You wanna defend your 'best friend' the one who 'would never leave you'?" He puts air quotes in the sky as he speaks, his voice trembling.

"She's stressed! Ok? It's a coat! A crown! A bow! fucking Sunglasses! It doesn't mean she's going to turn into them!" I argue.

"Uh huh. Your right." Quackity steps even closer. "She's not like them. She's her own person. Her own, new, traitor. Worse than the other ones, because she was one of us. Now she's one of them." I clench my jaw with no response making Quackity smirk. "A new traitor." He backs away and walks off to L'manberg, followed by Fundy. I look to Dream who stares blankly at me before glancing to Sapnap and George and walking back to the portal.

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