day 1 out of 7

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I walked through the hot red land, keeping my bow ready for combat. Sighing in relief when I see the portal to the small campsite Tommy made, i jog over to it, only to tense up again when remembering what this portal leads me to.

I haven't been here in months, almost a fucking year. Time flies when people try to kill you. I don't even know what it looks like now. There were months Tommy stayed here, before people thought he was dead and I wasn't here. I imagine he changed things.

Taking a deep breath, I step into the purple swirls, automatically feeling nausea enter my body. I stare off into space to control the sickness, my eyes landing on a disoriented hoodie laying by an obsidian wall, a broken bow on top of the clothes.

When I feel the coolness of the overworld blow through my body, I step from the purple portal. A strange sense of déjà vu flows over me as I look at the tanned path under my tight shoes. Looking up for the first time, I gasp at the remains of the place I somehow called home at one point.

The portal I came through looks to be made from the one in the nether transporting here, the original one is broken, stone of obsidian crumbled and destroyed below the gap in it. The campsite is blown to pieces, making my stomach churn from unneeded nostalgia.

He did didn't he. He blew it up. Just like Tubbo said.

Just like he said.

Walking down the path a bit, I notice how water from the ocean rushes into the hole in the ground, creating a small river. Paper and rubble from the wood and caravan are still in the water. Whether it's sunk to the bottom, or floating on the top.

A half completed wood tower is stationed on a small mountain next to the destroyed camp. It seems to be tampered with, judging on the different colored wood types, but I don't judge.

I walk silently through the abandoned town, oddly giving me creeps. It used to be so pleasant to me, with the rolling green hills and bodies of water, it used to be nice.

Gazing over the small hills, I squint at the village that's now quiet as ever. I'm guessing the villagers left from the noises and nightmares coming from just over the lake.

Even Tommy's tent is blown to pieces. Nothing is left, but Puffy's Christmas tree and the beach party. It doesn't seem to have been touched since the day I left.

It's haunting.

I climb up the mountain where the wood tower is, trying to inspect it. After taking notice of the short tower's empty interior, I look around the land, trying to see if Tommy built anything else. Which apparently he did.

Wood walls cover a half hidden bench in the distance.

My interest peaks from the sight and I make my way down the hill, ignoring a dug up chest in the ground.

When I reach the small structure I feel my lip quiver after seeing the jukebox displayed next to the wooden bench with the view of the ocean.

Of course.

Slowly walking back to the main area, I hold my bow tighter as memories flood back to me.

Building and setting up the tents.
Dancing and singing in the rain.
Writing letters and delivering them to the SMP.
Dueling and hunting.
Throwing our objects in the pit for Dream.
Being Dream's best friend.

Shaking my head from my distorted thoughts, I walk towards the forest, the same forest I had almost died in. A pillar is stood close to the path, walking towards it i take notice of Tommy's random and bad handwriting scribbled on it, alongside a scratched in name. Drista. I smile softly and look back up to the dark forest only for my breath to hitch when I see a figure lurking behind a bush.

It's him. It has to be. The one who did it. The one who ruined everything.

He's wearing a all black suit except for a white shirt peaking through from underneath. His hair is looks dark from where he's standing but is clear to be whiter when the light shines through the branches. His hair is split died. He's wearing white gloves and a split colored mask covering only the bottom half. He's wearing those stupid sunglasses.

Ranboo's standing there, in the forest. With no expression.


I had no clue what to write for this chapter and I've been putting off writing cause I have the worst writers block but it's bothering me that I haven't updated in over a day so 😀

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