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As soon as the front door opening is heard, I shove my mask and sunglasses on with a sigh, shooing away the Dreamon who decided to torture me and slowly manipulate a child in front of me without my control.

"Bye Lili!" Michael yells, squinting his eyes in the process. I mumble words in return, rubbing my wrist from the burns.

"I have to go to the prison. Bye Tubbo." I say before he can say anything else.

"Oh, ok! Bye Lia! Thank you for watching him!" He yells as I walk away, my trident swung over my shoulder.


"Sam! Open the fuck up! Tommy's supposed to get out-"

"Lia, Tommy's stuck in here." I stumble back, not expecting him to actually answer. It takes a moment for the words to process in my head.

"What?" I ask loudly, hoping I misheard.

"He's stuck in here for a couple more days, we need to at least figure out who set the explosives off." A sigh comes through the speaker and i freeze momentarily.

"But- but Dream might control- he might do something!" I respond, worried.

"Dream hasn't done anything for a week, I doubt for a couple days he will do anything." Sam says.

"No! No you don't understand he might-"

"Lia, go home." He mumbles, cutting me off.

"What?" I whisper, "What?"

"He won't get out today. Go home Lia."

"What is wrong with you?! No! I'm not going home! Tommy needs to get out and I don't care for precautions anymore! This is for caution! This is for Tommy's safety!" I yell, feeling my throat strain. A clang comes through the speaker before yelling is heard from the other side. Footsteps echo and a door slams.

"Sam? Sam!" I yell, beginning to get light headed from the yelling.




"Tommy? Cl-Clay?" I mumble, holding a hand to my head wearily.

"What do you call a twin who's twin is dead?"

I snap my body to the voice and feel the air being knocked out of me by the sight of the Dreamon.

"Wha-what?" Rain begins to come down.

"Well, a dear friend of mine is a twin. And their twin just died. A couple minutes ago. I was just wondering." It hums casually.

"You're not... Tommy isnt... you wouldn't." My voice cracks as I feel my throat ache.

He leans in, the purple flame growing, "And what if I did?"

"Why would you even- why would you do that?!" I yell, tears flowing down along with the rain.

"Testing. I needed to see if I could actually kill people while in control. I might need to do it in the future."

"Is Tommy dead?!" I yell at him. He pulls a ghosty hand up to its mask to quiet me down.

"Ask the warden." And with that, he disappears, flowing through me. I feel myself fall to the ground from the impact. Next thing I know I'm swimming in burning lava, gasping for air.


The hot liquid flows around me, burning me more with every panicked splash.


I gasp, opening my eyes to see Sam with red eyes and his hands on my shoulders. I move away from him before scrambling up, pointing my wet sword at him.

"Is Tommy dead!" I yell, feeling people run to my side.

Sam stands still, eyes closed. My sword is still pointed at his figure, my hands and arms still red and my whole body still burning.

"...Sam?" Tubbo's voice asks.

"What's- what's going on?" Ranboo asks. I grip my sword tighter, swallowing spit.

"Tommy-" he sighs, "Dream killed Tommy."

Tubbo begins to laugh and Ranboo stares at Sam, mouth open partly. My hands begin to shake and I look down to see small flickers of fire on them.

"I told you." I mumble, stepping closer to Sam. "I told you that something would happen, didn't I? I told you to let him out sooner. I told you to!"

My arms are being held by Ranboo while Jack is standing by Tubbo, both silently shocked.

"I fucking told you Sam! I- I said that he would- now he's going to do it to me! Sam now he's going to go after me! I'm gonna be the one in prison! Because of him!" My screaming ends with my throat burning along my skin, despite the rain, and Ranboo hugging me from the back, his armor protecting him the best it can.

"Lia, I'm sorry. I- i tried to get there as fast as possible. Dream won't be able to reach you Lia." Sam says, coming closer. Ranboo holds me tighter as I try to hold my sword up again.

"Fucking get away! Get away from me!" I yell at him, feeling our connection break immediately. Sam stops moving and sighs before walking back into the prison portal, closing the door after. As soon as it does, Ranboo let's go of me.

That was a show, wasn't it.

Oh am I enjoying this...

Clay is having the time of his life with his little tears over your twin's body.

I feel more tears come down by the Dreamon and squeeze my sword tightly before glaring at the prison in the distance.

"Lia, let's go back home, yeah?" Ranboo whispers, coming closer. I watch him move closer with a clenched jaw. I really fucking want affection but I'm also really fucking pissed off.

"I want Techno." I whisper, unclenching my jaw and taking my sunglasses off. Ranboo stares into my eyes with a sad look.

"Phil's with him, love." He mumbles.

"Fuck Phil!" I yell, grabbing Ranboo's hand and pushing through the watching Jack and Tubbo.

"And you Tubbo! You! You are just- you're just going to be silent?! Your best friend since like birth just died! And you're laughing?! What the fuck!" I turn around, pointing at him. He looks to Jack, an awkward smile on his face. Jack is watching the whole scene with a open mouth.

"Let's get to Techno." Ranboo mumbles, pulling me along.

"I hope you rot in hell Sam!"


I killed the child off.

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