just asleep, in a dream

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Tommy's POV:

Bouncing on my heals anxiously, I walk into Lia's house holding a stack of books Karl gave me from Christmas to give to Lia. To be fair, I was in exile and I kept forgetting with the whole L'Manberg destroyed problem.

"Lia?" I call out, trying not to be too loud. A million thoughts rush through my head when she doesn't answer and is not in my sight. Ignoring my voices and tears coming to my eyes the best I can, I speed-walk to her room, noticing the door is open.

"Lia?" I ask again, sighing when I see my twin in her messy bed with a leather bound book in her hands.

"Is she okay?" I nod and turn to smile quickly at Quackity before placing the books on her side table.

"Just asleep, in a dream." I add the last part as she scrunches up her face and moves her head slightly.


Third Person POV:

Karl looks around the room quickly before stuffing the weapon in his back pocket and helping Lia up, putting a finger to his lips as he rubs circles on the girl's back to calm her down.

"What's happening?" The teenager sniffs.

"I- I don't know. It's going to be okay." Karl reassures, not even knowing if it will be after remembering his past travels.

"Why am I here? I was just at the castle." Lia mumbles into his chest, not even sure why she's hugging someone she's so scared of.

"Castle? I don't know, look Lia. We need to-"

"How do you know my name?" She asks, pulling back quickly. Karl's eyes widen and he tries to walk back towards her but she's already against the wall, trying to get away from him.

"Listen we need to hide. I don't know what's happening and from past experien-" a set of footsteps cut him off and both guests shut their mouths, trying to calm their breathing. Before Karl can stop her, Lia's already running down the hall to hide away from him, making the dirty blond bite his bottom lip aggravatingly.

Lia runs as quietly as she can, holding her dress above the ground so her golden heals won't trip over the fabric. Finding a trapdoor on the ground, she prays she can get in fast enough as she hops down the ladder, tucking herself and bright clothing into the shadows the best she can.

"Liana." A voice whispers. The girl looks around, sinking to the ground more than before. Light shines through the closed trap door and it opens to reveal Learia making both girls gasp.

"Oh thank goodness, I was hoping you were ok dear." The older woman let's out, putting a gloved hand to her chest. Shaky breaths came from the teenager as she pulled herself out of the hole and onto the tile by Learia. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Lia only managed a nod as she looked around the halls, wondering what happened to Karl and why he knows her.

"Let's head back to the group, eh?" The posh accent coming from Learia said.

"Yeah, alright." Lia nodded again as she pulled herself back up, wiping any dust or dirt off of her dress. "What happened?" She asked, fixing her mask.

"Not sure. I think the lights just went out and people got separated." The lady responded, looking ahead.

"Right." Lia mumbled, watching the torches get lit up as the pair walked through the halls


"Everyone, empty your pockets. We need to see if any of you had weapons." Sir. Billium explains after taking us away from Learia's body. A murderer is in the mansion and Drew, Lord Sebastian and Learia are gone. Lia takes a shaky breath in before pulling her pockets inside out to reveal nothing but a necklace. It's string with a silver wave ring attached to it. She frowns, not recognizing it, but tosses it on the ground, watching as everyone else pulls out items.

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