Bathtubs Suck as Beds

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You woke up smelling like smoke and had the worst cramp in your back, the itch on your cheek was the icing on the cake. You raked your nails down your face. You were surprised to find dried blood crusted beneath your fingers, the flakes fell from the tips and landed on the edge of the porcelain.

It was then you realized you were handcuffed in a bath tub. Your arm had fallen asleep from the awkward position, but someone had taken the time to lay blankets at the bottom of the shower and roll a towel beneath your head. The threads were worn from use, but soft because of it. You sat up slowly and groaned. At least there's nothing broken. The events of last night slam into you, from Narkissa offering to turn you, to Sam Winchester carrying you out of the burning farm house. Where are they? The bathroom door was closed but when you were quiet you could hear their muffled voices.

"Has she passed your tests yet? You left her in the sunlight, she didn't flinch, AND you checked her gums for fangs," Sam sighed.

"I was being thorough Sammy," a second voice countered, "I'm not taking any chances with the blood suckers."

"Now that we've established that she's human, shall we unlock her from the bathroom?"

"And get food? I'm starving!" You croaked. Your voice was still sore from the night before, your absent mind dropped a hand across your chest. Where's my inhaler?!

The deadbolt flipped and the door swung away from Sam's form, "Good morning, you slept all morning."

You spied your bag sitting on the corner of a bed. You released the tension in your shoulders.

"Yeah I bet you're real hungry too," the second voice rounded the corner and leaned against the wall. He was couple inches shorter than Sam, but was still a giant of a man. His blond hair was kept quite well for a hunter. It darkened at the roots and drew attention to the most captivating, greenest eyes you'd ever seen.

You recovered before anyone thought you could be considered gawking, "I don't think we've had a proper introduction."

Sam walks up to you with a key in hand. The shackles fall away and he held out his hand to you.

"I'm Dean Winchester, one of the two that saved your ass last night," he nodded to Sam, "That one's my brother. Now, who are you?"

You rubbed your wrist as you accepted Sam's help. The three of you left the bathroom and stepped into the modest bedroom, "I'm Y/n L/n. I'm a hunter like you," You look between the brothers, seeing small resemblances, "At least I think like you."

"Yeah yeah, we're hunters," Dean waved his hand around the room, seeming satisfied that you weren't going to eat them later, "You really hungry?"

You wanted to roll your eye, but you didn't want to bite the hand that was about to feed you either, "Yes," you smile, "That'd be fantastic."

"I'll be right back," Dean stood and crossed the room to rummage through a bag. Triumphantly he jingled a pair of keys, "I've been craving me some pie."

You casually scooped up your bag and walked into the bathroom, filled the sink with water, and slipped your inhaler out of the pocket. You shifted your back just in case Sam tried to see what you were doing, but your face fell when you dropped the canister in the water and it floated like a bober. You stare at yourself in the mirror and curse to yourself, you were out of medication. You had to get back to your Raptor. All your extra meds were in there, you needed to get Sam to take you. I suppose it's time to turn up the charm. You cleaned up the water and threw the canister away. You took a deep breath as you stepped into the bedroom.

"Everything good?" Sam asked. He offered you a water bottle and sat down. All of his limbs moved in a controlled, fluid motion. Even when he leaned against the headboard he looked ready to leap into action.

"Yep," you sat on the opposite bed. You didn't quite feel like talking yet, which seemed to suit Sam fine.

He surveyed you just as you checked him out. When you closed your eyes to sip your water you could feel his eyes memorizing every detail, " long have you been hunting?"

You dreaded that question. Getting to know people only meant you had to say goodbye later. Whether that was on a freeway off ramp or a gravestone, "A while." It wasn't a lie. You were hunting since you were a child, you grew up knowing how to kill the monsters under your bed, "I was passing through the area when I heard about a possible vampire nest. I stopped immediately to check it out."

"Immediately?" Sam swigged his drink and cocked an eyebrow.

You paused before responding, "Vamps have become my...specialty over the last few years," that's your lead in, "Speaking of the bloodsuckers, I need my arsenal in my truck," you tried to keep your face deadpan.

It looked like Sam didn't pick up on your nervousness, "We should wait for Dean to come back. You know, safety in numbers," he stood and tossed his empty bottle in the trash.

Jeez, when I'm sitting I'm a dwarf next to him. You stood as well and pretended to pout, "I left it behind a gas station a lil' less than a mile from here. We could walk there and be back in no time."

Sam pursed his lips, but pulled his phone out and taped out a text, "K, Dean's been filled in. Let's go," Sam shrugged into his coat and reached for the door just before you. Your hands just touched each other.

But your skin tingled at the contact, it made you sad to jerk your hand back. Feelings are bad for business, "Aww, chivalry isn't dead."

Sam laughed and smiled at you for the first time.

It sent a warmth throughout your cheeks.

The door closed behind you just as he started talking, "So you really drive a truck?"

***It's not fair that all these actors barely old enough to be my father are so attractive (I'm 18) Mr. Padalecki is looking paticularly fine today;)***

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