Blow Off Steam

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Your stance could've been equated with that of a statue, rigid . A challenge, "Are you going to say anything?"

Dean sat at the foot of one of the Queen sized beds. He hadn't spoken one word since you relayed what happened at the gas station.

Your boots sank deeper into the dingy carpet and the rust colored wallpaper was stained with god knows what. How it was legal for this place to stay open was a mystery of itself.

"What I want to know, is how the bloodsuckers found us. We burnt the whole nest,"

"Not everyone," you let the poison run freely through your words, "The Baron's mate was there."

Dean can't help but glare at you, "Who? Did you know about this?" He nods to Sam.

He shrugged, "She's said nothing on the way over," he hadn't move since closing the motel door behind him. He leaned against the frame while you tried to talk to Dean, both of their faces were remarkably similar in how they scowled.

"Oh that's just dandy. We've got two days to slaughter count Dracula and his queen of the damned or get out of dodge," Dean stood and pointed a finger at you, "But it doesn't matter what happens, they want you dead," he mock laughed to himself and looked at you from the corner of his eyes, "What'd you do to get that kind of attention?"

You clenched your jaw, They have no right to know my life story. You tilted your head up, "I'm a hunter. Vamps want all our hearts on a silver plater." Another half truth. You somehow keep your composure cool. You spied Sam narrowing his eyes at you. It took a little more than you thought it would to not wither beneath that gaze. That one day golden, the next emerald, beautiful gaze. Now you swallow the lump in your throat.

"That's the biggest load of bull I've heard in a while," he pauses, "And that's really saying something."

It hurt you to hear Sam believe that, "Alright big boy," you rise from your seat, "You wanna know the full truth? I've followed this nest of vamps for years now. Trust me when I say we are unprepared for them. The last town was twice this size and they evaporated it like that!" You snap your fingers.

"So you want us to tuck our tails and run, is that right?" Dean stalked towards you, "Last night I thought you were tough, but this whole conversation makes me think you want people to die. To turn into mindless, blood drinking monsters." He glared down at you.

"Of course not!" You didn't raise the volume of your voice, but it gained intensity, "Don't be a fool. I live to save other people. But I know a loosing battle when I see it," you were so close to Dean you could spotted your reflection in his green irises.

Sam was still silent, and you couldn't decide how you felt about that. Would it be better if he defended me? Or we knew his true opinion....

Dean shakes his head ever so slightly, "A good hunter looks for a weakness, and goes for it head on. We stay and fight."

You powered through the surge to slap Dean, "Throwing myself towards certain death doesn't sound courageous to me," you turn your back to them and slide your fingers into your hairline.

"Y/n," Sam's voice is ringing out in your ears, but it's like an echoing whisper, "Why wouldn't you want to stop this?"

"Because I don't have a plan! And that's what we need right now. I went in blind with Tyler...look where that got him," you still had your back to them. But you didn't realized you'd mumbled your thoughts out loud until it was too late.

"Who?" Dean asked.

The lump in your throat grew and your breathing shrank. You began to panic but you croak out one more sentence, "I need some air," the moment the door closed you scrambled for the forgotten inhaler in your pocket. You breathed in the medicine and your throat opened up. But the knot in your chest didn't. Neon lights across the street caught your eyes, Budweiser and Jack Daniels signs hung in the window and you could see men playing pool. That's a good a place as any to blow off steam.

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