Confirmation via Chow Mein

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 This was the best night's sleep you'd had in months. You smiled into your pillow... before it moved. Oh dear.

It wasn't like you were curled into his side all cute. Oh no. You were on your stomach with your right leg wound around his left one. But the best part was you lounging across his stomach with your arm thrown over Sam's chest.

He had one hand behind his head and the other tangled in your shirt and hair, his sleepy fingers left trails of warmth as he traced circles around your hairline.

You hummed your smile into his shirt, then and there, you could've died a content woman. Speaking of dying. The breath in your lung left you in a pained puff.

Sam shifts when you untangle yourself from him. In his sleep he reached across the mattress, the only warmth there was what you left in the covers.

Strange how I just shared a bed with an essential stranger. You slipped off your short and pulled on jeans, tucking your oversized t shirt in the waistband. The only way you could put it was you snapped a lock on a part of you and it would never be quiet, always knocking, whispering; ever since Tyler died.

And maybe... maybe Sam had a key.

Picking up an empty bag you pad outside in your bare feet, the cold air rose goosebumps on your arms while the side walk chilled your toes. The Raptor was parked two spaces down. You opened the door. Ahh, the smell of gun oil and dollar store car freshener, it never gets old. You climb into the driver's seat and reached into the back seat for your gun cases.

"Not even a goodbye?" A voice erupted from behind, you didn't need to look to know it was Sam.

His tone tenderized any thought you had earlier. Why is he so angry? You turned your body in the seat to face him, "Sam I-."

"No," he shook his disheveled bedhead, "How could you leave, after everything? I hoped there was more-"

"I'm staying!" You interject before it gets worse, "I'm staying," you repeat softly.

Sam stopped mid sentence, his jaw hung open.

"Sorry...I thought I should get that in there before you... wrapped that up," you look at the ground like your hand was stuck in the cookie jar. You tried to bite your lip to stop the smirk.

Sam's face was a flashing billboard from the shock on his features. He turned smug as he walked up and stood in between your knees, "Could you lead with that next time?"

"But You're too much fun to tease," You give him a small push away before returning to your packing, "We need a plan for tonight."

                                                                               .     .     .     .     .     .     .

You, Sam, and Dean spent the day researching the area and each gun, blade, and elixir was examined with the greatest care. All of you checked everything everything that could be. Absolutely nothing could go wrong.

You said you'd stay, it was too late to break that commitment. Though Sam was the tool, he didn't sway you. Tyler dominated your thoughts. The idea of anyone suffering his fate sickened you. Little closure would come till the blood suckers responsible were put six feet under. So you dove into all the lore you could get your hands on. You knew everything there could be to know about vampires, but the Winchesters had books you'd never even heard of. You and Sam were pouring over the information together. Hm, who would've thought saffron, skunks cabbage, and trillium all thrown in a fire could cover a human's smell.

"Is this what you used last night?" You point to the recipe on your page.

"Yeah," Dean looked over your shoulder, "Narkissa is powerful, but not quite old enough where she could smell through it."

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