Sequel: Sins Unatoned

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*Author's note* We made it! But did you really think this was the end? Please, this is just the beginning. Below is the first chapter of a the sequel series! No, your eyes do not betray you; SEQUEL SEQUEL SEQUEL!!! Comment, vote, or subscribe. Enjoy ^_^

2 months, 1 week, and 5 days after Hollow Promises


The professor's dreary lecture fell on your deaf ears. Well, deaf was a poor choice of words, you were tuned into something far more important. The brunette three rows in front of you, she was the reason you were sitting in the Introduction to Mythology class in the first place.

Chalk tapped in time with her bubblegum pops. One thin finger toyed with the strands of auburn hair that made up her peek a boo highlights.

Natassa got bangs. You wrote a scribble in your notebook, what appeared to be class notes, but you logged the new detail with the way she played with a wedding band on her left forefinger.

She'd been with her husband for two months; Ariel Coleridge, the Parasite.

The thought of either vampire made your blood icy and boil all at once. You only wrote in your journal at a more furious pace. Natassa: still calm and unaware of my presence. Guard is down. Ariel; no appearance yet. You couldn't get out of the hall fast enough when the professor dismissed you. Had you been yourself, you would've loved hearing the old myths and tales of Greece. But not today, not ever again. Instead the baseball hat was pulled lower over your eyes.

Natassa bounced out the lecture hall and into the outdoor balcony, the heat wave blew her hair back.

You picked up your one notebook and drawstring backpack, more than ready to get out of the room filled with air conditioned bodies. You paused for a beat while Natassa glided down the weathered, steps before taking your usual perch by a marble pillar in the city heat.

True to her routine for the last month, Natassa glided across the quad, lingering in the shadows of the palm trees, resting a few moments before making her next mad dash.

You narrowed your eyes as she got closer to the Old Main building. You were on the other side of the large, manicured lawn, but you could see the brand of sunglasses the man standing in the building's shadow was wearing. Down to the thread of his business pants and suit coat draped over his shoulder.

The same person Natassa reached to her toes to kiss full on the mouth, "I've missed you," even after running across the quad, she wasn't out of breath in the slightest.

"You class was but an hour and a half long, hardly enough time to for any real loneliness," the man tucked her beneath his arm.

Your narrowed eyes widened for a beat before going back to their glare. Ariel finally showed himself, you whip out your smart phone and zoom in, snapping two or three photo's before opting for a video.

"Any time away from you is a torment Ariel," Natassa stepped in his stride.

"Then why do you bothering these classes?" His ginger hair feathered just above his pressed, white collared shirt, "Why are you here when we have an eternity?"

Natassa slowed her pace, "Its because of that eternity I'm here. I still need an education," a drop of sweat formed on her temple.

Ariel had a bit of a flush about him too, "My dear Natassa, your thirst for knowledge is almost as strong as your lust for blood," he kissed her forehead, "But it won't matter. Soon, we will be living like royalty."

Natassa giggled, fawned over him as she turned a brighter shade of pink. She placed her hand on her forehead, "I feel warm."

"Let's get out of this God forsaken heat," Ariel lead her around the corner, out of your sight and enhanced hearing.

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