In Two Days Time

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        Ok, you exaggerated the distance to your truck, but you wanted excuses to learn more about Sam through small talk. He was a reserved guy, his vigilance kept him on alert. But it didn't stop him from talking to you. It was nice the way he tilted his head when he spoke, there was something about the small motion that made you feel...aware wasn't the right word. Seen? Recognized?

        Cared for, that was it, the tingle in your toes gave it away.

        "So, where you from?" Sam's interest was attentive, how he managed to watch you and where he was going made you smile.

        "From the southwest," you reply. The silence that hung thick also formed a stone in your gut. You had to, there was no good way anything could end. But you wanted at least someone to know your story. Maybe if he remembered you once in a while it would make it worth it, "Arizona to be specific."

        "The Grand Canyon State?" Sam mused.

        "Yep, that was home sweet home," you kept your eyes on the ground as you walked into a gas station parking lot. A reflection off a dark green bumper made your heart jump Thank god she's still there. You pick up your pace, soon you're rubbing your hand across the driver's side.

        "Uhhh," Sam gawked.

        "Oh, this one's mine," you quit smothering your car and unlock it. You climb in and relish the feel of the leopard steering wheel cover.

        "Well this is awfully...nice," he popped open the passenger door, "How does a hunter afford?..." the question trailed off.

        "Not even I'm good enough to steal something this nice," you tilted your head towards him. Your voice clipped itself, "I bought it with college money my parents set aside for me." You flip up the back seat to reveal a hidden compartment. riffles, knives, and handguns lined the top while shells and random containers filled the bottom. A small box tucked off to the side was what you were after. Before you reached for it's contents you realized how long the silence had gone on. You look up at Sam, "Are you alright?"

        A cloud had come over his face. It was indecipherable, "You picked this over college?"

        Now you understood, this was him not too long ago, "Not exactly, that's just what my mom called it," you sink back onto your thighs, "We had this plan to talk my dad into setting up shop in Phoenix for a while and letting me go to U of A."

        "Your family were hunters?" Sam said, he had tried not to blurt out the question, but his leaned in posture belied his curiosity, "What happened?"

        "They both passed away," you blunted your answer. Your chest tightened at the good memories, you used your body to block Sam's view as you reached into the small box. The cool steel of an inhaler canister released a thousand worries from your shoulders, you slip it into your pocket before he can see.

        "I'm sorry," Sam's voice had gone oddly soft. He met your eyes and you didn't see any pity, just sympathy.

His story probably isn't any different from mine, "Thank you," you smile, "It happened a long time ago, I've made my peace with it," Mostly. You start the truck, "Dean must be back with the food," at that moment your stomach rumbles.

        "Hungry just a little?" Sam chuckles as he slides into shotgun.

        "You will talk to my tummy respectfully when it want's to join in the conversation," you bite your lower lip, but the grin came through.

      Sam chuckled and moved the seat slowly back to fit his legs, "Ugh, who sat here before me, a midget?"

        Your hand froze on the gear shift. 'Not quite. He was nearly as tall as me.' You didn't get a chance to respond to Sam.

        BAM! A hand slammed against your window's glass, "Y/n L/n!" A face materialized a few inches from your own.

        You gasp and lurch back.

        You feel Sam grip your arm and reach for his gun, his firm hold brought your heart rate back down, but not by much. It was Luke. You would know that voice anywhere.

        He had a solem look on his squared features. The beast glimmering behind those dead irises were prepared to kill you and Sam on the spot. But something was staying his hand, "Sam Winchester," Luke looked behind you to him.

        Sam's thumb rubbed across your tricep, even though you fought to let nothing show, he was trying to calm you down.

        "You have two days time to leave this state," Luke brought onyx pupils down to pin you to your seat, "That is your head start before the rest of my fellow vampires begin hunting you. No one threatens the mate of Vesh Green, Baron of Shadows," he vanishes as quietly as he came.

        You don't wait for Sam to say anything, you throw the idling truck in gear. Burned rubber marks in the lot was your goodbye present as you tore back to the motel. You screeched to a halt the same time the Impala was pulling up.

"What's the hurry?" Dean stands out of the car, "Dude, she drives a Raptor?"

***Author's note: I'm so sorry I haven't been updating this like I should have. Please don't hate me. I've been pulled away and immersed in writing my book, Huntress, and I'm learning how to strike a balance between my stories. I swear I'll be more active. Stay tuned lovelies!***

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