32| Jealousy

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

You walked along the pavement with a cake box containing little pieces of Taehyung's favourite cakes. As much as you recalled, Taehyung said he will be finished with his lessons just about this time.

Passing a smile to the passerby, you enter the hall. Your eyes catch Taehyung, however, he wasn't alone. A female body was beside him, cheerfully smiling and conversing with Taehyung. That's weird, usually, Taehyung runs away from anyone who tries to interact with him. You tried to study Taehyung's face for any discomfort, but you found none. Rather, you found him attempting to smile, which usually was given to you.

You end up deciding to wait until Taehyung was done conversing. However, the time stretched to an entire fifteen minutes and both of them still talked, occasionally giggled without any care for the world. Well, that's a new record for Taehyung, you sarcastically think as usually the conversation he has with anyone other than his friends, are never this long. 

You scan the woman. She is gorgeous, to say the least. She had a lean and curvy figure, with tanned skin and stunning curls. Her visuals were serving from head to toe, whereas her height complemented very well with Taehyung's. You weren't sure since when you began to feel insecure.

Taehyung's eyes brush towards you whilst you were busy feeding your irrational thoughts. His lips stretched into a smile when he sees you. ''Hey, Y/n.''

You snap out of your own world when you meet a smiling girl and Taehyung. ''Hi!''

''This is Aly. She's the model whom I am going to be drawing for my project. She's very nice.'' He introduces his new friend.

''Hey, Y/n! Nice to meet you,'' Aly smiled, kindly.

"S-she's the model? Y-you're gonna paint her?" You tried to subdue your jealousy but failed. During these times you were glad that Taehyung couldn't detect the jealousy from you. You wanted to be the cool girlfriend, not an insecure one.

"Yes. She's very nice to me. In fact, she volunteered to be my partner." Taehyung gives you a small smile, showing how happy he was that someone actually made an effort to be nice to him, rather than judging him too quick.

"How can I not? Your works are great, Tae!"


"Ah! That's great!" You tiptoe and kiss his cheeks, wanting any sort of skin-ship to assure yourself that he's yours.

"I like that." He vocalises as usual before kissing your lips. You smile, momentarily feeling better until the girl appeared to be witnessing.

''You guys are so cute!'' She says, you and Taehyung both give her a smile.

''I know.'' Taehyung speaks.

Aly giggled before uttering, "Tae! Let's go. We promised to grab something to eat and discuss the project?"

"Alone?!" Your mouth blurts before you could comprehend how stupid you sounded. Of course, they are gonna be alone in the cafe to discuss... like they are going to be alone when he paints her naked, perfect figure. Your mind forced itself to think the worst.

"How can we be alone in a cafe? There are going to be many people there." Taehyung answers you, without thinking too much to it.

"Y/n don't worry! I will take care of him." She smiles, being friendly. You give her a hesitant smile, feeling bad that you're currently painting her to be the bad person in your head, just because of your own insecurities.

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