2|Who are you?

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❛❛Please, hold me. Someone, Please spare me a look of kindness and mercy.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Hello dear Readers, as you may already know, The story has two people with the same name, Therefore, to differentiate I will be writing their name like this;
❤️Popular/Normal Twin: Taehyung or V
❤️Abnormal Twin: Taehyung.
So basically, one will be written in Italic and other as normal font.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Taehyung, the almost invisible twin, quietly notes down his thoughts that mingled not too long ago. The page of his little journal flipped as he was seated at the dorm without causing or grabbing too much of an attention. He could hear the faint sound of people chattering outside his room, however, that simply didn't bother him. He could join them if he wanted, after all, it is only 6:30 pm and the campus dorm doesn't have a strict rule to when to eventually quiet down.

It is normal for people like his age to mess about or simply socialise with people fearlessly. Try different things, meet new people but unfortunately, he couldn't do any of those.

People may ask why? Why that is the case. From the distance, the boy looks nothing but normal. Just like his brother, he is also very much handsome, well built and capable but people forget that he's not the same. He's a little different. And when that difference is found out, they bash him, treat him like absolute dirt.

As harsh it may sound, it is true.

Kim Taehyung, surprisingly who has the same exact name as his brother. They have the same face and name yet people call him ugly and other handsome. He knew he had a decent face, but that is with the lenses. First difference people would notice on him is; his eyes.

Taehyung has a very distinctive and noticeable feature, and that is his eyes. One of his eyes is purple. Iris purple. For many, it is very much rare and beautiful colour. However, the man wasn't accepted by his own culture for having a unique eye. Having only one eye coloured can have its loss. People see you as abnormal and almost monstrous.

It is due to the myth that was passed onto generations and believed by the people. The myth of Alexandria's Genesis. The myth claims that people with this condition are born with purple eyes or have eyes that turn purple shortly after birth. They also have pale skin and well-proportioned bodies that don't gain weight. These perfect humans supposedly live over 100 years. This myth was well believed by Taehyung's ancestors, which is why Taehyung's family abandoned him for many years by claiming that he was abnormal and immortal.

A piece of simple fake information surely made Taehyung to pay its price for being different.

If life wasn't already hard enough Taehyung to blend in, he also has level one of the syndrome of Autism. Which means, the man suffers to express himself in a social context. He can take things literally and fails to express himself. His social skills aren't fully developed therefore he struggles to talk. Due to the lack of support and guidance, his struggles lead him to panic on the spot when someone tries to approach him.

Being autistic doesn't mean he isn't normal. He is fully able to talk and communicate as long as he gets the push and he is comfortable. He has his own full potential to graduate to become anything he wants. His brain, body everything functions completely normally yet he is labelled as 'disabled'. People misunderstand the fact that he is a human with a conscious mind and can think very rationally and make decisions on his own. He is fully aware of everything that goes around him and can easily distinguish between right or wrong just like a normal human, However, simply because of his lack of communication people labels him as 'abnormal' boy who is disabled to make his own decisions.

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