Ch.14 Eiji's POV

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The taxi driver took off and asked me where to. I showed him the card of the hotel and he nodded and focused back on the road. I sighed and leaned back against the rough leather. I remembered what Ash had said and I pulled out the phone to activate it. I noticed how fast we were going but, I brushed it off hoping I was just being paranoid. I decided to turn my attention to the driver. He had a stubble that made him look unshaven and his eyes were bloodshot. That made me uneasy. He belched loudly but didn't say anything after. That was one of my pet peeves so I huffed and slid down so I would be out of his line of sight. "What?" I heard him say. He didn't forget to add a condescending tone to his voice before he continued. "You got..something to say?" I suddenly realized how slurred his words were and how heavy his breaths sounded. "N-no." He grunted and began to chuckle obnoxiously while shaking his head. "Bratty little tease." I stiffened at this, memories flooding my mind. I felt very unsafe. "U-um would you mind dropping me off at a cafe? I'm suddenly hungry." He smirked and continued driving slowing at a cafe. I breathed out and grabbed my things. "Hey..." I look up at him. "I'll be here when you're done." "It's ok. Really." "Then," he grabbed my wrist. I winced at the stinging pain. He didn't notice or didn't care. I wanted to gag at his breath and groan at his sweaty skin. "He's gonna find you." I became very still. "Eiji Okumura."  I couldn't speak but instead stared for a moment before wrenching my arm from his grip and shaking my head to snap out of it. I stumble out of the car and watch as the mysterious man drives away. I shook my hands and my head and entered the shop, the ringing filling the already buzzing room. I headed to the counter not getting a few glances. I knew it was just because I was Japanese so I let it go. I ordered a cup of hot chocolate and took my seat somewhere by the window. I opened the phone and contemplated calling Ash. Maybe I should wait, it has only been 30 minutes. Yeah. I was startled when a cup of steaming liquid was tapped lightly on the small table. I look up to be greeted by a pretty girl. I smile at her nervously and thank her. She smiles back and winks. "Anytime." I was left with a dumbfounded look on my face. I couldn't help but smile and feel a little better. I was out of the house and on my own. Not really in danger. That guy was a drunk. I chuckled to myself quietly and put the phone away. I stood and walked out checking the a map on my phone for how close I was to the hotel. I was hoping close so I could just walk, it s only morning after all. 27 meters. A bit farther than I would have liked but not much. I walked the needed amount and when I finally made it I stopped in my tracks. "You're joking." I muttered to myself. There was a large white building that resembled a mansion. Fancy cars were resting in parking spaces and a man was at the door ready to open it for anyone who is entering or exiting. I sucked in a breath and stepped forward heading for the door. The man looked at me and smiled, unfazed by my casual attire compared to everyone's suits and dresses. Strange. Nonetheless I smiled back. He opened the door and I walked through even more mesmerized. It was beautiful. I approached the front desk and handed in the card Lyla had given me. The receptionist asked for my name. "Eiji Okumura." She nodded and dug through an organized drawer. She picked a key and handed it to me. She explained that the pool was open 24hrs except on Saturdays and Mondays, and that any information I might need will be on the flyer that has been pre-placed on the night table in my room. I nodded and smiled at her which she replied with, by a small grin. I headed to the elevator and took it too the third floor where my room was said to be. The elevator dinged and I walked out following the numbers and looking down at the key tag. I didn't realize the room number until I staring at it. The key hovering just next to the hole as I gaped at the gold numbers on the door. 207. The same numbers as...before. I shuddered and felt my legs go shaky. I quickly opened the door and hyperventilated as I closed it with a bang. It's not the same. I repeated this over and over. I quickly calmed down as I realized the inside looked nothing like the room I was tortured in. It wasn't satin sheets but fluffy and white, with an even fluffier comforter. The mini fridge was packed with snack foods and the TV was large and ready to be used. I sighed content as i felt my heart calm. I walked over and turned on the TV hoping for some background noise. I sit on the bed and laugh at how comfortable it is. Nothing like a futon. I sprawled out and smiled. This is nicer than I expected. I would've went out but it was just so warm and outside i was nervous. Not to mention the walk here. I decided it best if I just stay in and watch a movie. The hours passed with me watching whatever and snacking on things here and there. It was 8:00 PM when I thought about calling Ash. I dialed his number and it rang once before I heard a click and he answered with a eager sounding voice. "Eiji." "Hi Ash." I wanted to tell him everything but now that I think about it, it all seems kind of dumb to mention. All I did was general basic stuff, that of which normal people do on a daily. "So is everything ok? Nothing has happened so far?" "Nope I'm all good. I made it to the hotel. But-" I stopped myself before I could mention the room number. "But what? Is everything ok?" I gulped and responded with a strained voice. "Yup just being paranoid. That's to be expected though." "Eiji...I'm serious what happened." It wasn't a question anymore. I couldn't lie like I used to. I'm back to the same old honesty I used to have before I met Ash. He saw through me on the PHONE. I sighed and decided its fine to tell him. I trust him. "Well, it was just this creepy cab driver is all. He said something like, 'he will find you', or something." I muttered the last part and looked down even though there was no one to see me do it. "What the actual he!! Eiji." I flinched, he raised his voice and in the anticipation of hearing his response I was listening intently. "What? Do you not believe me? I told you I was just being-" "No! Not that. You decide to tell me now? After hours? He could be looking for you. That's it I'm coming to get you!" I was about to intervene and say I'm fine but he hung up. Now what will Lyla think of me? I can't even spend one night alone without being scared of everything. I sighed but at the same time was relieved. Ash was coming and I wont be alone anymore.

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