Ch.16 A Normal Day

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I pull Ash into the room and lead him to the bathroom handing him a pair of trunks that the desk brought up but were too big on me. The door closes and I take this chance to slip a smaller pair on myself. I keep the robe on not wanting to look at what has been left behind from that day. I hear a click and turn to the sound immediately regretting it. Ash's hair is messy and soft looking and his abdomen area is....showing. I gulped and turned away to hide my red face. I heard a chuckle and I huff in response. With an upturned nose, I stride to the door and put my hand on the handle, waiting for the shuffling of feet behind me. When he closes the distance between us I turn the handle and push. We are greeted with a dimly lit hallway. The walls are a salmon pink color with a white stripe in the middle, running along the hall all the way down. As I walk out of the room and through the hall, I run my hand along the white stripe and sigh with content. Finally not running or feeling anything too overwhelming. I see Ash staring at me from the corner of my eye and I look at him. "What?" I ask. "Well nothing but, why are you wearing a robe? Are you cold?" I hesitate before answering. "Uh..Yeah, cold." I look down wondering why I'm so obvious, and why I lied in the first place. Before he could give me 'the look' i correct myself, taking his advice. "Actually no. It's just uncomfortable for me to be... I don't know...bare." He smiles and takes my hand in his, squeezing it comfortingly. I smile back and we continue until we reach the elevator. We step in and hit the button for the lobby. Ash smirks and squeezes just below my butt. I jump and turn to him with wide eyes. "Ash! Stop it." I can't help grinning to the floor with pink cheeks as he just lets out a breathy laugh. I giggle and turn to him once again. This time wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close. His arms lacing my hips and gripping tightly. I connect our lips and let him dominate. I enjoy feeling him with me and sigh into the kiss. We stay like that for awhile until a ding can be heard. I pull away and look to see people staring at us with almost disgusted looks. I blush ferociously and look to the ground. I let Ash grab my hand and lead me in the direction of the pool. Pushing past the strange looks. I look up to see a clear door letting me see the large turquoise colored pool. We walk in, the doors click and our footsteps echoing throughout the room. The only people besides us is a stout, chubby man, who clearly hasn't shaven. And an average quite built man that was chiseled looking. They are a fair distance from each other but from the ay they're moving they are obviously talking to each other. As we walk in they pay us no mind. Well until we walk past them. As we do so, they both turn their heads and eye Ash carefully. Then they rest their gaze onto me. They keep looking until I'm halfway across the pool, then they look at each other with grins. I shudder but shake it off. I'm safe, Ash is here. I breathe out and as we lay our things on a chair it dawns on me that I have to remove my towel. I tug on Ash's arm like a child and look to the floor once again. "A-Ash." I motion to my clothing and he smiles gently. He turns to me and unties it. I shoot my head up and whimper. I hate this. "Hey it's ok. I'm here." I nod and continues. He slips the cloth off of my shoulders gently and pulls it down. Leaving me with nothing but my shorts. I release a shaky breath and watch as Ash puts the robe to the side and pulls me into his firm chest. I smile and just stay there for moment. Feeling renewed I giggle and pull from Ash's grasp running to the 8ft deep pool and jumping in. As the water closes around me I feel at peace. It's nice how quiet it is down here. I lay at the bottom until I need oxygen and I float back up. As I break the surface I hear and feel a splash close to me. I take in air and look to my side expecting Ash, but instead I'm greeted with the buff looking man that was on the other side of the pool. I quickly swim to where Ash was still standing. He is sitting on the ledge of the pool just dipping his feet up to his calves in the water. I came closer and pull myself up between his legs, just holding myself in place as I hug his lower stomach. He puts his hands on my shoulders and just twirls with my hair. I push away and grab his hand, pulling him in. He goes under and as I wait for his resurfacing, I hear chuckles behind me. I tense but don't look, afraid of what I'll see. Ash comes up with a gasp of air. He smirks at me in a playful manner. "That wasn't very nice Eiji." I laugh and swim away as fast as I can. Of course Ash being much more athletic than me, catches up almost instantly and swings me around. I laugh heartily and as we still I turn to look at him. My back pressed against his chest and his arms around mine. I lean back enough to get a good view of Ash's genuine smiling face. I admire it for a moment then lean in. A soft kiss much needed. We keep it up until we hear footsteps. He looks the way of the men and see that they're leaving. He laughs. "Whoops." He shrugs. I giggle and sigh leaning on his chest once more. We float around for awhile and eventually I fall asleep. Ash's gentle humming in my ear, his strong arms wrapped loosely around my stomach and waist. The now warm water enveloping both of our bodies. I haven't been this relaxed since I first met Ash. Of course it's not his fault and I wouldn't trade meeting him for anything, but if Ash had grown normal, like every other child should... If not meeting me meant his freedom I'd trade it for that. I love him. This was a nice, normal day.

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