Ch.9 Better

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Ash's P.O.V
I finish laughing and begin to think about what I saw. Why does he still hide? Granted he did tell the truth but if I didn't ask he would never have said. I've made it clear I'm here for him, always. I can't blame him. Its all my fault anyway. I softly smile and the fuming bundle of blankets that eventually began to squirm and an ebony haired head poked out breathing noticeably harder. I chuckle once more at his red puffed out cheeks and make my way over to him. I slip under the blankets with Ejij and hold him in my arms. "You know Eiji..." he looks at me with large curious eyes that could take me miles away. "Now that I know you're still sick..I'm going to check in on you every hour..right?" His features soften and his lips curve up slightly. "I know. And it feels really nice to know how much you care about me." I feel my cheeks heat up. "This is a normal thing why does this always happen? It's just Eiji." I mumble quietly as I pat my cheeks with the back of my hands. I hear a giggle next to me and I peek over. The heat in my cheeks intensifies as I take in the sight. His hair soft and dark looking like the night sky. His eyes slightly rimmed with red and wide, everything they land upon is laced with gold and precious to even the queen. His lips spread and tinted as he giggles his melody. My thoughts came over me and I hadnt noticed how long I had been admiring his face. Not only did he stare back he also placed a hand on my cheek and stroked it lightly with his thumb. He is to good for me. He doesn't deserve all the pain he is in. I cant help but pull my relaxed face into a frown. "Please better. Be so much better. You deserve it." "You to Ash." I look up not realizing my face had dropped. I see Eijis face calm but determined. "You deserve it to." He knows just what to say. He is so perfect. I want to capture this. I swiftly stand from the couch and walk to our shared room and grab Eiji's camera. I cone back out to see a confused Eiji. Adorable as ever. I smile slightly. "Ok! Say cheese." I lift the camera to my eye only to hear shuffing. I lower it and see Eiji hiding. "No! No thank you." I grunt and make my way to him. I carefully lift him up and carry him over my shoulder to our room. And plop him onto the bed and straddle him so he can't escape. "Smile." He squirms and weakly punches but to no avail. "Ash! I'm not the good looking one! I should be taking pictures of you!" I stop and look him deep in the eyes. "What do you mean you're 'not the good looking one'?" Eiji's face lights up as he realizes how it sounds. "Ah..I mean we'll you know..I didn't mean it like that." "Then how did you mean it?" I ask pursuing the subject. "Just're the beautiful one. Everyone thinks so. I dont necessarily think I'm ugly or anything I just never saw myself particularly eye catching." He babbles out. "It's insane how you even noticed me. I look so average but're outstandingly stunning." He begins to admire my face. I set the camera aside and scoot down so I am now laying on him with my chin propped on his chest and were gazing into each other's eyes. "I mean how could I not notice you? You're probably the cutest thing ever." His cheeks turn pink but he doesn't look away. I brush my thumb over one of his eyes. He closes one leaving the other open to roam my face. "Your eyes just engulfing everything around them as they curiously wander healing unseen scars and lighting up the darkest of rooms." I carress his bottom lip. "And your lips.. instant relief if you ask me. " he giggles lightly. "Oh how could I forget! Your laugh..oh its just gives me pure joy to hear it." He smiles heartily and becomes flustered but composed. I smile taking in his sudden new aura. He radiates positivity and its affecting me. I slowly lean down and fulfill my desire of kissing him gently and slowly. He allows me this time happy with my words. "You are gorgeous Eiji. I get told I'm beautiful every where and all the time. But thats when they look at me. When they get to know me they run for their lives in fear. But when they get to know'd have them on their knees Eiji." I groaned longingly and place my hand in his hair. I brush it from his face and smile gently. He blushes and smiles sheepishly. "Thank you Ash. I wish I saw the things you see about me but I believe you." I continue to run my fingers through his hair coaxing him into a deep slumber of the sweetest dreams. I see his eyes begin to flutter close and his breath even out. His chest slowly rising and falling. I pull myself off of him and head to the lamp that was still on. I click it off everything becoming dark with undertones of blue giving me a beautiful picture of Eiji. I snap the photo and place his camera on the bedside table. I climb into the bed and cover both of us in the blankets. He grunts softly and groans my name. "Shhh I'm here go back to sleep." I masage his head once more and begin to drift off to. My dreams filled with sweet moments of Eiji and I and blissful feelings unraveling in my mind. Good night Eiji. Things will get better.i promise.

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