Ch.11 I know

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Ash chuckled at Eiji's outburst and waited patiently for the steaming Asian to walk out of the room ready to go. Eiji emerged looking like his old self. Ash couldn't help but smile. It was just like a few months ago when they were squandering around New York getting hot dogs and enjoying their free time. It was as if they could just go back to the way it used to be. It was nostalgic. Eiji, still flustered, walked up to Ash with a pouty face and poked him in the nose gently. "Not funny." Ash smiled wider and grabbed Eiji's hand and continued to the door. Ash stopped abruptly and glanced at Eiji. He looked shaky and pale. His slightly hollowed cheeks and dark circles more noticeable up close. "Um..Eiji..why don't I go first?" Eiji nodded. Neither having forgotten what happened the last time Eiji had stepped out of the door. The thought made both shiver violently. Ash gave a stern face and gripped the shining silver handle. He turned it and stepped out with Eiji still attached to his side. The cold air sharpening their minds and stinging their noses. They continued on their cold day activities. Going into shops and looking at monuments. The wind had finally whipped their faces to many times. They decided one last destination before heading home. They entered a cozy coffee shop. The bell ringing through the calm buzzing air. They took in their surroundings: the dim light to set the mood, the black board listed in neat handwriting, the familiar home-like feeling. Both could stay here for awhile. The sky had finally darkened within the passing hours and their numb fingers were tingling. They sighed in comfort and found, to their relief, the cafe to be mostly empty. They took a seat somewhere in a corner and relaxed. Eiji ordered a hot chocolate and Ash, a coffee. They sipped on their warm beverages and talked about nothing in particular. One question had finally made it's way to the front of Eiji's mind. "Hey, um Ash?" Ash flicked his eyes upward to see a tense Eiji. He hummed in response waiting for him to continue. Eiji didn't hesitate because he knew he would convince himself otherwise. "How did you know where I was?" Ash was confused for a moment then realized he meant during Christmas. "I a way..stalking you." Eiji choked on the sip he was taking. He coughed and pounded his chest with his fist. "What? When? The whole time?" He nodded. "So...when I was skipping meals and not sleeping for were just watching?" Ash was stunned. He now realized he screwed up. He stuttered not sure how to put this. "I couldn't get to was horrible. I wanted to..but-" "You could've!" Eiji shouted. Fuming now. "It's not like I would've told anyone! I was dying without you! And you just watched.." he shook his head furiously once and looked down. Pain drawn across his face. Ash was at a loss of words. He was right. He didn't have a proper excuse. He thought if Eiji really believed he died he would move on and be safe from the Mafia world. When he saw Eiji was hurting for him he figured it was because he was such a kind hearted person, and that he'd get over it. He was poorly mistaken. Eiji had locked himself onto Ash just as much as he had done to Eiji. He snapped from his thoughts when a bang had erupted and the table vibrated. Eiji had slammed his hands on the table as he stood. Eiji huffed and stomped out of the shop. Ash was painted with guilt. He followed without a word, his head down. He opened the door as Eiji had just seconds before only to look up to a crowded street. It was crowded yes, but who he wanted to see was out of sight. He began to panic. He yelled for Eiji ignoring all of the weird looks he was getting from strangers. He finally ran home and opened the door not bothering to close it as he ran through the house screaming his name. A voice suddenly sounded from the door way. "Not so it?" Ash spun around to face the door way hand in his hair, face hysteric. Ash didn't mean to but he began to yell. "Eiji! THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!" He storms up to Eiji and grips him violently. Afraid to let go. "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" Eiji's head was low and he was trembling. "I-I'm s-sorry." He faintly whispered. Ash had finally composed himself and realized his mistake. He finally noticed the slight shaking of the figure he was gripping to harshly. And the drips of water hitting the floor. He instantly regretted everything. "Eiji...I didn't me-" "I know." Eiji's voice came out flat and dead. He smacked Ash's hands away and pushed him to the side so he could get to the bedroom to break down silently. He closed and locked the bathroom door and ran a shower. As he let the warm water trickle down his body he released the tears he had longed to let go. He shuddered and realized it was time to get out. He shut off the water and got out. The cuts on his wrists had opened back up due to the steamy water that softened his skin. He sighed and realized he didn't have any bandages. He dabbed them until they mostly stopped bleeding and walked out in pajamas. Ash was on the couch seemingly deep in thought. He turns and as soon as he sees Eiji his face saddens greatly. He gets up and dashes over to Eiji and embraces him. Eiji immediatly hugged back. He couldn't tell if it was because he'd feel guilty if he didn't or if he really wanted a hug from Ash but either was nice. Eiji nuzzled into Ash's touch. He was warm and firm and soft. Eiji sighed but it bottomed out as a sob. This surprised both of them. Ash went to pull away but Eiji held on tighter. He continued to wail out his pain in short sobs. His hurt bubbling to the surface. "Oh I'm so sorry! Please don't cry." Ash managed to pull away and cupped Eiji's face. His thumb brushing away his tears. Eiji sniffed and gently grabbed Ash's wrists to hold him in place. Ash's eyes flickered to his hand to him then back. His face went dark. "Eiji..I thought these were healing. You're bleeding." Eiji sighs and shrugged. Ash cleaned it up as much as he could and they decided to call it a night. They went to bed holding each other. Both out like a light. This was a stressful day.


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