Ch.18 Like a family

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During the ride to Ash's apartment we sat close. He ran his fingers through my hair as I just sprawled onto his chest. I know its strange. I should be the one comforting him. He's been through worse. Sometimes I feel guilty, but when I look at him... I just feel like he knows. I'm not going to make this about me. I want to do something for him. Maybe...cook? No he hates when I make those weird dishes. And last time when I tried to make spaghetti things got a little...heated. I blush red and nuzzle deeper in his chest making him notice. "What's wrong Eiji?" "N-nothing." Damn that stutter! I peek up at him and see a smirk. "W-what?" His face darkens and he lifts my chin with his thumb and finger. "What're you thinking about. Hmm?" I jump off of him and scoot away. I look out of the window and cup my cheeks. "J-just...ummm...Dinner! What should we have?" "I want to say you're changing the subject but you look like you're telling the truth because you're not fidgeting more than usual. Why is dinner giving you that reaction?" "Could you stop having a high IQ for just one night?" He shook his head with a smile. He lets it go and just continues. "I'm not sure. Do you want go out?" He smiles. "On a date?" His face turns from a genuine smile to playful one. If my face could stop turning red I could bask in the glory of no more teasing. Although I realized we actually haven't gone on a date yet. It just didn't seem like something we would do. We've been through so much, it seemed like a step down. But...going out and shopping and having coffee seemed like a date and that was fun. "Well maybe we should." He seemed shocked and I thought i just screwed everything up. Something shifted in my heart leaving a strange empty feeling. But when he nodded with a smile I relaxed and the feeling slowly faded away. He grabbed my hand and just stroked with his thumb while i shifted back to him and laced my head on his shoulder. I never thought we would get to being like this. We're finally together and... I feel at home for the first time since I left Japan or dare I say it, since I met Shorter and the gang. They were intense but they weren't mindless puppets. Ash listens to them as do they him. They seemed like a family. And now... so do we.

Fluff? Yes. I was also wondering if you guys wanted a page of 'get to know the author.' I thought it might be a good idea if I'm going to continue this. Please comment. It helps and I love reading them. And I decided I will be posting every Monday. Okay byeeee.

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