Chapter 6 - Damning Morning

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"How is it that every year I think you must have changed, but the moment you appear, you prove me wrong." King Erik scoffed. "It's getting annoying, Angarden."

He was lounging lazily on his throne. The surrounding room was as familiar as it was sickening, and while there was no blood staining the tiled floor, there might as well have been. Rather than a courtroom to enact justice, the throne room had become a place to see petty revenge come to fruition in bloody massacre of everything Falaea had been formed on.

"I think your majesty might have forgotten that I was the only consistent one during our childhood." Liam Angarden's voice was slightly tight as though he wished to say more but couldn't due to the status of the man in front of him.

"Yes," Erik sneered. "I do remember, and your sister was the one who never stayed the same. You should be glad she died before she caused any more trouble for you."

Liam drew a breath, evidently struggling to reign himself in. "I think I am more than capable to cause enough trouble for myself."

Erik tilted his head slightly, regarded the man before him with some curiosity. "Yes, well, you're not wrong." Fire sparked to life in the monarch's eyes. "You know, you would have been well on your way to becoming a titled man by now if not for your folly."

"And you think that's what I want?" A little of Liam's feelings leaked into his words. "I don't believe such a thing would be in the best interest of my children." He softened slightly and smiled.

"Your wife, on the other hand, would have been all too pleased if you had accepted my offer before your foolish plans came to light." Erik settled back slightly on his throne and snorted in triumph. "How did dear Edora take the information that you turned down her beloved chance at a title? I can't imagine it was a happy day in the Angarden house, but then again, there probably haven't been many of those, anyway. You know, I never could have stayed with a woman as long as you've stayed with her, Liam." Liam remained silent. "Wait, you haven't told her, have you?" Erik laughed. "You're scared of her! You never were strong, but I didn't think you wouldn't have the nerve to keep your woman in check. Honestly, I don't know how you people thought you would succeed with your little plot."

Liam remained unflinching, and he looked up into Erik's eyes as if they were equals. "It wasn't a matter of succeeding. I don't expect you would understand since you've only ever fought if you thought you could win, but we were working toward a better Falaea." His voice was quiet, but there was more power to it than Erik's sneering.

"What did you say?" Erik growled.

"You have been blinded by your own desires for your entire life, and we simply sought to open your eyes to reality." Liam was completely unapologetic. "No, I never told my wife about your offer, because she wouldn't have understood what was behind it. You say you couldn't bear to be married to one woman for such a long time as if I wouldn't know that already. You let that man take your lover, your son, and you stood by and watched the way he treated them without a word. You took her out of her homeland and abandoned her without a thought the minute you were tired of her warming your bed. You think that's strength and wisdom, but it's not. In fact, Heather was right about you: you'll never change, and no matter how hard you try to hide it, you're as much of a coward as you always were."

Rage colored Erik's face. "Perhaps, we could have negotiated something the easy way, but you've made your bed. I'm sending you on a mission to meet an old friend in the Astelands." A pleased smile touched his lips.

"I didn't realize you weren't man enough to kill me yourself." Liam scoffed, his voice steady.

Erik shoved out of his throne with an unhuman growl. "Don't think it's cowardice that stays my hand, you bastard. I could end you where you stand if not for the secrets you hold. You know that's the only thing keeping you and your family from meeting the same fate as those other traitors."

I Am Who? - Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora