Chapter 43 - Monsters & Realities

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For a long moment, nothing happened. We sat there holding hands in utter silence, but just as I began to wonder if it wasn't going to work this time, Kotaro's fingers closed tightly around mine. He exhaled softly, and the hairs framing my face danced in response.

The scene was vaguely familiar. I had witnessed it before: the downed horse, my uncle's pained expression. This time, however, Kotaro's tear and dirt smudged face was visible, and I could see the war taking place behind the dark eyes which I'd become so familiar with. There was more depth and life to my surroundings as well as if that dream I'd had so long ago had given me nothing more than a ghost image of the true reality.

"You have to do it." Uncle's voice was deadly calm, and he flashed a smile at Kotaro. "I know too much, and Erik knows me too well. He'll be able to break me."

"No." Kotaro stilled.

"Yes, it's the only way." Uncle was determined.

"You can't ask me to do this. At least explain it to me first!" Kotaro's voice was hoarse with emotion mingled with desperation.

"I'm not asking, and I can't explain: if I do, you'll be in danger, too. The secret will die with me for now which is why you must do as I say." Uncle's hand moved to Kotaro's side closing weakly around the handle of the knife strapped there. "If they catch me, then all of my work has been for nothing...please, if not for that which I seek to protect, you must do it for me."

"This is crueler than anything Erik ever did to me." Kotaro's voice broke off in a sob.

"I know, and I'm sorry it had to come to this. I didn't mean for it to." Tears streamed down my uncle's cheeks, but they weren't for his own plight. No, his sorrow was reserved entirely for Kotaro. "No matter how much we both wish it were different, it's not." He coughed. "I hate myself for it, but I need you to promise me something."

"Anything." Kotaro said quickly, shooting a quick glance in the direction of their attackers who were taking their time approaching—almost as if they were scared.

"Slow down there: you don't know what I'm about to ask or how much it will cost you." Uncle chuckled slightly, swallowing heavily. "I want you to promise you'll take care of Bree. No matter what happens, look out for her and keep her away from the court. There's no telling what they would do with her innocence."

"How could the court get to her? She's in Lund with your wife, isn't she?" Kotaro said, his attention immediately returning to Uncle.

"I know my wife too well to think they'll stay there forever. No matter: promise me you'll look after her like you used to do." Desperation threaded Uncle's voice. "Promise me!"

"All right, I promise." Kotaro gripped uncle's hand. "And you know what it means for me to make a promise."

"Yes, which is why I can't help but be glad it's you." Relief played across Uncle's pale face. "Now, you must do it quickly before they get here."

Kotaro opened his mouth as if to protest again, but Uncle reached out shakily and took his hand. Guiding it to the blade strapped at his hip, he helped Kotaro pull it free of its sheath with a grunt of pain. Looking up into Kotaro's eyes, he smiled.

"This doesn't make you a monster." He smiled. "Just remember that."

"I can't—" Kotaro tried to pull his hand away.

"You must." Uncle said calmly.

"No." The whimper reminded me of Kotaro's younger self finding his mother's broken body.

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