**Announcement** YeeT

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I know it's been far too long since I last paid attention to you...what can I say? Sophomore year has been one big kick in ye olde buttocks after another...Yeah. I'm so glad to be back and to see all the peoples and learn new things, but could my professors not time their five page papers all at the same time??? Sincerely, me. :P


Enough of that!!

I have more fun things to get to!

That was simply a bit of a warning that I won't be able to be super active this semester in replying to comments (especially since I'm still frightfully behind...) but hopefully (fingers crossed) I will be able to post chapters more often.

Which brings me to the real purpose of today!!!

Book 3 of Bree's story is in the works!!! I'm working on the first chapter and hope to be able to post it this weekend! I'm really so excited for what I have planned for this book, and I hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am! Although, I think it might startle some of you in a lot of ways...what can I say?? This is me we're talking about, so definitely expect the unexpected!!!

Anyway! I finally get to announce that I'll be back semi regularly in the near future, and I'm so happy. I've really missed you...See you soon ;)

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