Homework - Melone x Reader

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@juiceboxsquirtsquirt (yeehaw), I'm so sorry for more La Squadra, I know you haven't "unlocked" them yet. And for you guys who aren't them, you should go check them out!


On top of being a part of La Squadra Esecuzioni, you were working on a degree in biology. While a few of the other members thought it was no use seeing as it'd be hard to hold down a job as well as being an assassin, you argued that plenty of other gangsters had normal jobs.

One morning, you were trying to do an assignment one of your professors assigned, the other members of your team decided that it'd be a good idea to prank Ghiaccio.  Formaggio had taken his glasses and shrunk them down,and then Illuso then put them in his mirror world. You began reading through pages of a textbook  when your heard the familiar grunt of an annoyed Ghiaccio. Before you could even read through the first paragraph, a loud thud distracted you. You looked up to see icy gremlin on the floor at the bottom of the staircase. You sprang up to see if he had hurt himself from falling down the stairs. You stretched out your hand to help him up, but he ducked out of the way and stormed into the kitchen where Formaggio and Illuso were hiding.  He had bumped into the furniture on the way there, prompting the two to laugh. Not wanting to get frozen, you decided to go back to work.

You had anticipated Ghiaccio to take things outside since he knew the destructive power of his stand. But of course you had to be wrong, meaning you had to listen to Ghiaccio scream while Formaggio and Illuso ran away. You huffed in frustration when you heard something get knocked over (most likely from the blind gremlin). You were about to scream when a lock of blonde hair (sorry anime onlys) fell in front of your face.

"Hey, uh, I heard screaming and I wasn't sure if it was you or Jack Frost over there," Melone joked. "and I'm still not sure. Whatcha workin' on?"

"Well I'm trying to do homework, but those idiots decided it'd be a good idea to hide Ghiaccio's glasses."

"I see....what're you reading about?"

"Just chromosomal disorders, which aren't the hardest thing we've been reading about, but its hard to focus, and  keep mixing things up, and-"

"Oh, I should be able to help out with that." he said, smiling softly. "I have a master's in genetics, you know. I might be a liiiiittle rusty though. But first, let's get away from those three." Melone walked around to the other side of sofa to stand in front of you and outstretched his hand. You took it and stood up. You gathered your book and followed him upstairs. He shut the door to his bedroom behind you, and just for safe measure he tucked a chair under the handle and locked it. He patted a spot on his bed for you to sit down. You did just that and opened your textbook to the page you were on. Melone began digging through his closet, setting boxes on the bed around you.

"What're all these?"

"Oh, just some old things...I'm trying to find my old notes for you. If you really feel inclined, you can look through them, I have nothing to hide....except that box right there, you wouldn't want to know what's in there. Well, maybe....but not now.." he muttered, smirking to himself. You didn't want to think about what he meant by that. You didn't feel like looking through Melone's belongings, until you noticed what looked like the corner of a photo sticking out from under the lid. You slid the paper out from under the lid of the box, and upon turning it over you realized it was an old picture of Melone. It was most likely from before his days as a gangster seeing as he was dressed like an actual human. You snickered at the photograph, which caught his attention.

"Oh no, what'd you find?," he chuckled.  You turned the photo so that he could see it. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He took the picture from you and smiled.

"Oh, I remember this, this was when I had just finished high school. Anyways, I found my old notebook. Here," he handed you a green notebook. The pages were a little worn, but the writing inside was still legible. You flipped through the pages, astonished at the level of detail. As you went further back in the book, you noticed that the writings were no longer about science, but shifted to notes on things such as blood type personality types and astrology. You were puzzled, but thought it wiser not to ask.

"Oh sorry, I should've warned you about that. Pay no mind to it, just-"

"It's fine, Melone, really. Now, let's get to work."

Melone helped you take intricate notes just as he did with the chapters assigned to you. He even dug out some index cards and started making flashcards for you. You worked for a few hours getting caught up in it. You didn't realize how long it'd been until you heard someone banging on the door and a few attempts to open the handle. You and Melone looked at each other wondering who it was.

"Y/n! Melone! Illuso accidently stepped on Ghiaccio's glasses in the mirror, and now he's hiding in there and he won't let me in and now Ghiaccio's after meeeee," Formaggio cried. You then heard a few thuds coming from Ghiaccio attempting to get up the stairs.

"Go bother Prosciutto."

"You know he and Pesci are on a mission with capo...please help he's getting closerrrrr-"

You and Melone laughed to each other and returned to flipping through your flashcards.

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