You Need to Eat Something- Tonio x Reader

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Ever since you woke up with a cold that rainy spring morning, everything seemed to be going downhill. After you recovered, your husband broke his finger making it harder for him to cook. Then your ceiling started leaking. And then one of the burners on the stove broke. And then worst of all, your mother passed away. Everything seemed to be going wrong for you, and you had 'forgotten' to eat while up late one night making funeral arrangements.

"Bella, it's late, aren't you coming to bed?," your husband called walking up the stairs from restaurant below your home. He had just finished meticulously cleaning up for the second time that night, and normally he'd come back to find you already asleep. When he found you slouching over the table with papers sprawled out across it, he pulled your chair away from it and scooped you up. You reached over his shoulder in a desperate attempt to go back to work, although you quickly surrendered and flopped your arms down around his neck.

He carried you to your shared bedroom and set you down on the bed. You stretched out your arms and found your bearings as he hung his apron on the door. He laid next to you and you wasted no time nestling up to him. He stroked your back as you rested your head on his chest. The two of you laid there in comfortable silence before it was broken by a soft grumbling from your stomach.

You pressed your hands to your torso trying to silence it, however you knew he'd already heard you.

"Are you hungry or just not feeling well? Here, let me see your hand-," Tonio asked, taking one of your hands. The seemingly permanent soft smile that was etched on his face shifted to a more somber, disappointed one. "You didn't eat, did you?"

You locked with his baby blue eyes before averting your gaze and shaking your head. He sat up slowly with his right hand cupping the back of his neck. You sprang up and clung to his back trying to prevent him from getting up. You knew he was tired and you didn't want him to get worked up over you.

"Tesora, stop-,"


"I'm not letting il mio amore go hungry!"


"Why not? Are you sick? Are you-," he stopped mid sentence once he felt your head lower onto his shoulder. He let out a deep sigh and turned his head to see a glimpse of the top of your head. "You know none of this stuff was your fault.."

"I know...that's the point.."

You slowly slithered off of your husband's back and substituted him for one of your pillows. You stared blankly into space while fidgeting with a loose thread on the corner, Tonio's sympathetic gaze never leaving you. He was trying to figure out what you meant. He couldn't understand why you would stop eating, especially when they've been down on their luck as of late.

"What do you mean..?" he croaked, breaking the silence. It was as if he had flipped some sort of switch with his words, suddenly tears began softly cascading down your cheeks. He was quick to envelop you in his arms, clearing your face of residual tears every so often. When you finally calmed down a little, he asked again why you haven't been eating.

"I dunno..."

"Yes you do, otherwise you wouldn't be this upset."

"I-I dunno...everything's been out of control lately. The roof was supposed to get fixed last week and they still haven't shown up, the stove is still broken, and then there was your finger, and, and-," you hiccuped, starting to get worked up again. He pressed a finger to your lips to try to cease your stuttering.

"Hey, hey, its alright. My hand is alright too, besides, you didn't have any control over any of tha-,"

"That's what I'm talking about! All these bad things keep happening and I can't do anything about it! And, now with mom gone I just,.. I just can't anymore. If my habits are the only thing I can control, so be it.."

"Listen to yourself, y/n! That's ridiculous! I understand how you're feeling, but endangering your health out of spite isn't the answer! You've got to eat something.."

You buried your face in the crook of his neck muttering every apology you could think of. Every apology you threw at your husband was shot down with gentle reassurances. Eventually you tired out and fell asleep.

When you woke up the next morning, you anticipated to feel the warmth of your husband's body against your own, however you were only met with the cool, spongy feeling of your pillow between your arms. You sat up and stretched your arms out in front of you, arching your back like a cat. You were about to get up and start your day, but a bright pink sticky note adhered to a pillow caught your eye.  It read;

'Good morning, y/n!!

I didn't want to wake you, so I thought this would be a good substitute...anyways, I made your favorite, so if you're feeling up to it, would you maybe come and eat something?

Love you,

Tonio <3'

You smiled at his sweet message, chuckling to yourself because it was squeezed onto half of the already tiny sheet of paper. The other half was all scribbled out, but you could make out some words he had written in his native language. You put the note on top of your dresser and began getting ready for the day.


Sorry for being kinda dead, my brain's been fried recently

annnnyways, I hope you enjoyed some pasta man appreciation

If you have any requests, they'd be greatly appreciated -->

Have a great day, go drink some water :) 

JoJo x fem!reader one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz