What do you think?- Jotaro x Daughter!Reader

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When your parents had separated, they left you with the choice of where you wanted to live. You had decided to move to Japan with your father, although you'd periodically go stay with your mother in America. Even though he was practically raising you as a single parent, you adored him and everything he did. Although, being a single parent meant that he couldn't always be there for you, so you spent a lot of your summer days with your uncle Josuke.

While you really enjoyed spending time with your uncle, there was nothing better than an afternoon or evening alone with your father. One day, you sleepily rubbed your eyes while walking down for breakfast. You yawned and wondered if Josuke would take you to see Mr Rohan again. Your father set your plate down in front of you, perfectly in sync with a soft clap of thunder. You sighed and rested your chin on the heel of your palm when you looked out the window.

"What's the matter, n/n?"

"It's raining dad, duh. I can't play outside with uncle Josuke. We just play video games if we don't go outside and it's no fun because he always wins!"

"Actually, I have off today, so you get to stay here with me"

You gasped in surprise which was quickly followed by you springing out of your chair and hugging your father. He patted the top of your head and told you to go eat. You complied, although it took you awhile since you couldn't seem to stop talking. When you finally finished, Jotaro took your plate over to the sink. You trailed close behind him, wanting to help. You tugged on the hem of his shirt signaling to him you wanted to help. He looked down at you and then scooped you up, holding you at his hip.

He splashed some water up at you, creating a small wet spot down the front of your shirt. You dunked your hands into the bubbly water and then wiped them on his top. He scooped out some bubbles and smashed them onto the front part of your hair. You did the same, except you decided his nose would be a better place for the suds. He exhaled sharply, sending bubbles flying.

When he was done with the dishes, he set you down and started cleaning you up. You wandered back up to your bedroom to change out of your wet, soapy clothes. You decided on a shirt with a starfish on it since your dad was always on the phone talking about them. You toddled back down the stairs, now with your hairbrush and a box of hair supplies in hand. You once again tugged on your dad's sweater.

"Dad! Can you do my hair? Pleeeease?" Normally, you were able to untangle your own hair, but your uncle would style it in all sorts of ways. Your father took the hairbrush and flashed you a weak smile, obviously not sure what to do with your hair. He instructed you to sit down and then just stared at the back of your head for a moment. He ran the brush through your hair before reaching for the vacuum. You turned your head to try to catch a glimpse of what he was trying to do.

"Stay still."

You whipped your head back around and braced yourself. Jotaro turned on the vacuum cleaner and pulled out the extension. He started feeding your hair into the tube until it hit the back of your head. He then turned off the vacuum and removed it, keeping a grip on the bundle of hair. He wound a hair tie around it and raised his hands in the air to signify that he was done. You felt the top of your head until you hit a ponytail firmly secured in your hair.  You stood up on your chair and hugged him around the neck. 

"Alright, your turn!" you exclaimed, pushing down on his shoulders. He sat on the floor and you sat on your knees on your chair.  You began brushing through his ebony waves and reached for some brightly colored butterfly clips. You sectioned off his hair and fastened assorted clips throughout. When you were finished, you fished out a glittery star-shaped mirror and handed it to him.

"So what do you think?" you asked sweetly.

Jotaro blinked rapidly for a moment before dramatically checking himself out in the mirror.

"I love it"

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