Blanket Thief - Ghiaccio x Reader

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So it was no secret that your boyfriend's stand ability and his personality were polar opposites. While his cytokinesis could easily freeze your limbs off, his hot-headed nature often caused him to overwork and stress himself out. Lucky for him, you were always there to help calm him down.

Nights with Ghiaccio went one of two main ways; nights when he's tired and relaxed, during which he's usually pretty calm, and nights when he's restless, which causes his mind to wander. On nights like these, he begins overthinking like normal and starts getting himself worked up (think his Venezia/Venice rant). On nights like that, neither one of you get much sleep. However, no matter what kind of night it ended up being, one thing remained constant. That was the fact that you'd always end up with little to no blankets by morning.

You had began to grow tired of freezing every night and decided to do a little investigation. Throughout the day, you had hugged various members of La Squadra. Then, you walked up to Ghiaccio and wrapped your arms tightly around him.
"Y/n? What're you doing?"
"What's the matter, Tesoro? You don't like it?" You teased, giving him an innocent look. He sighed and quickly hugged you back before pushing you off. If anything, Ghiaccio felt warmer than your friends, so your hypothesis of him just being cold was out the window. You were puzzled, but you were determined to figure out why he seemingly needed the whole comforter to himself.

Later in the day, you and Ghiaccio were told to go to the store together. This was perfect for your next experiment. While walking down the street, you grabbed his hand. He figured it was just you being clingy, so he thought nothing of it.
"Y/n do you see this? That sign says no pets are allowed in that park, but right beside it is a sign that says that all pets must be on leashes! Does that make any sense?! Y/n? Y/n....what're you doing..?," he asked, noticing you taking his hand in both of yours. You fidgeted with his fingers, spreading them apart and pushing them together. He tried to pull his hand away from your grasp, but you kept a firm grip on it. He was confused and was beginning to mutter something in frustration. You continued to mess with his hand for a few more moments before releasing it. From what you gathered, his hands were colder than most people's, but they weren't freezing.

Later that night,everyone was heading to bed. Well, everyone was heading to their rooms, but does anyone really know what Melone's up to? When the two of you climbed into bed, you took a portion of blanket and tucked it under yourself.
"What're you doing?"
"Ensuring that I don't wake up colder than your WHITE ALBUM, if you must know," you remarked. Ghiaccio gave you a puzzled look. "What do you mean? WHITE ALBUM is really warm...its super comfortable-," "AH-HAH! THAT'S WHY!I FIGURED IT OUT!!" "Huh? What're you screaming?"
"You! You're always stealing the blankets at night, and I finally figured out why. At first I thought it was because you were just naturally cold, but you aren't. The opposite, actually, except for your hands. But I got it! You said your WHITE ALBUM is really warm, so subconsciously you steal all the blankets in your sleep to get warm!" you huffed, saying all that in what seemed like a single breath. Ghiaccio blinked rapidly, trying to process what you just spat out. "So wait, is that why you've been acting weird all day? Like hugging me out of nowhere, and whatever you were doing with my hand?" You nodded your head. He sighed and set his glasses on the nightstand (nAnI? A sTAnD?). He laid down facing away from you.
"I think I have a solution," you said, hoping that he was just tired and not upset with you. You scooted over and clung to his back. You got a little worried when he didn't say anything, but upon closer inspection, you saw he was already fast asleep. You smiled to yourself before falling asleep with your space heater of a boyfriend.

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