Mine- Kars x Reader

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This was requested by RealYoshikageKira33
They're really dope, and you should check them out!!
Illuso is a pillow pet
You looked up the hulking men that sat before you. They seemed utterly fascinated by your every move, each breath you took, the way you fidgeted with your hands, how your eyes darted from each pair of eyes to the next. You recognized them, they were Esidisi, Wamuu, and Santana. They were some of your captors, along with who you assumed was their leader.

Esidisi reached a large hand to your hair and began twirling it around his fingers. You wanted to swat him away,but you were too afraid of the potential consequences. All three of them got a little more curious and a little more affectionate. Before you knew it, you were in Esidisi's lap with the other two resting their heads on you. While you were intimidated by them, you thought their behavior was kind of adorable, comparable to that of a puppy.

You began loosening up, embracing the three men that were oh so very interested in your every move. That was, until you heard familiar footsteps. His footsteps.The others seemed to notice, but didn't make too much of an effort to get up. Soon, the door to the room they were keeping you in swung open, and another one of the huge men, this one having long raven hair, stood at the threshold. He glared at the others, the two that were cuddling up to you immediately sprang up.

"We're sorry Master Kars.." Wamuu apologized, both leaning into a deep bow. He simply rolled his eyes and ushered them away. He locked eyes with Esidisi, curling his lip up to reveal a sharp fang. Esidisi tightened his grip on you, not wanting to let you go. Kars rather forcefully ripped you from his arms, pinning you to his chest. He let out a low snarl to the other pillarmen before carrying you off to his quarters where he could have you all to himself.

Okay okay I know this was trash I'm so sorry😭
If you want a part two or want to request something else, please please let me know ——>
Anyways, have a great day/night/whatever, go drink some water

JoJo x fem!reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now