Candy Cane - Ghiaccio x Reader

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You pulled a fluffy blanket over your boyfriend with one hand and ran your fingers through his baby blue curls with the other. He let out a content groan nuzzling the back of his head further into the crook of your neck. A few of the other members of your team looked over, but you didn't care. All you cared about was making sure Ghiaccio was comfortable.

It was the night before Christmas Eve, and he had caught a cold. All day, La Squadra had been doing festive activities to get into the spirit, and Ghiaccio was having none of it. You didn't really blame him though, who wouldn't be in a bad mood getting sick this close to Christmas?

You suggested that you all just relax and watch a holiday movie since not only could Ghiacchio participate, but it also wouldn't annoy him too much. They all agreed and settled in around the living room. Risotto was the last one to sit down, and when he did he picked up the remote and turned on the Grinch. Formaggio laughed when he saw which movie their boss had selected, going on about how the Grinch and Ghiaccio were similar, nicknaming him "Grinchaccio." Upon hearing this, he sat up and started grumbling.

You tried to calm him down by cupping his cheeks in your hands and turning his head away from your teammate. It seemed to work a little until Melone just haaaad to say something. He kept on teasing Ghiaccio about his temper, and Ghiaccio kept on getting angrier. He was about to get up and get physical before Risotto put an end to the whole thing.

"ENOUGH," he yelled, glaring at the two. Ghiaccio huffed and sat with his back against the back of the sofa crossing his arms across his chest. You cuddled up to him, and he seemed to calm down for awhile. You tried to get him to lay down again, but his eyes were fixated on the screen. Everything seemed okay until he started muttering to himself.

"Hm? What was that, Tesoro?"
"This movie DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE! THE NARRATOR SAYS NO ONE KNOWS WHY HE DOESN'T LIKE CHRISTMAS, BUT HE COMES RIGHT OUT AND SAYS ITS BECAUSE OF THE NOI-," he screamed, getting cut off by your finger being pressed to his lips.
"Shhhhhhh, just relax and watch the movie, don't think to hard about it. Okay?"

He angrily sighed and leaned back again. You quickly kissed his cheek and whispered "lighten up, it's almost Christmas" in his ear. You spent a few minutes happily watching the movie with your arms wrapped around your boyfriend's neck. You then turned your head to kiss him again when you realized he had the look on his face he gets when he's analyzing something. You sucked in a deep breath, bracing yourself for him to go off again. To your surprise, he didn't start ranting again, instead he just barely whispered his grievances about whatever was crossing his mind. You tried to ignore him, but you just couldn't.

He didn't notice that you had gotten up and left until he felt something sweet being shoved into his mouth. He quickly snapped his head in your direction before reaching his hand up to his face. He soon realized you had forced a candy cane into his mouth.
"I had to quiet you down somehow, so I don't want you to take that out of your mouth, got it?"
He less than happily complied, and by the end of the movie his lips were stained a shade of blue green.

Bonus scene:
At the end of the movie, everyone began getting up and returning to whatever they planned on doing before they agreed to watch with you. Ghiaccio tapped you on the shoulder and removed the candy from his mouth.
"Look, y/n! Now I have something to get Melone and Formaggio back," he said, pointing to the sharpened tip of his candy cane.

JoJo x fem!reader one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora