Laser Tag -Josuke x Reader

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When Okuyasu suggested that you all go play laser tag to celebrate the end of the school year, everyone thought it was a great idea. You spent weeks planning and saving up for the day until it finally arrived. You woke up that morning to several text messages from your boyfriend. The first few were normal things like 'good morning', but as you kept reading, he started to strategize about your plans for this afternoon. You laughed a little, especially when you read a text that read 'Maybe I can rewind the score counter with CD to make it look like I have more points'

At around 11, you heard a knock at the door. You opened it to find not only Josuke,who you were anticipating it to be, but also Okuyasu, Koichi, and Yukako. You invited them all inside and to sit down and even offered them something to drink, which they all politely declined.

"Y/n, we have a problem," said Okuyasu, breaking the brief silence. "We need an adult to go with us, but all of our parents said no..."

"So we were kinda hoping to ask one of yours," Koichi added.

"My parents work in the next town over, why don't we ask Rohan?"

Everyone stared at you for what felt like hours before bursting out into laughter. Even you laughed at the stupid suggestion. When you were done laughing, you thought to yourself and asked;

"Isn't there anyone else we could ask?"

You all thought to yourselves for a moment, trying to avoid the obvious answer.

When no one else could come up with another solution, Josuke sighed and said, "I suppose I could ask Jotaro.."

You all held your breath as Josuke sent the text asking his nephew to take them to play laser tag. You all began coming up with how you thought he'd respond, each of you doing your best impression of the stoic man.You were all laughing at Koichi's attempt to replicate Jotaro's manerisms when Josuke's phone vibrated. All that he wrote was 'Sure. What time do you need me?'

"Guys he said yes!" Josuke exclaimed

"Alright! But....who's guess was closest?" Okuyasu asked.

"Well, he didn't say much soooooooo, I'd say Yukako was the closest. Although, bonus points to Koichi for pulling down his imaginary hat. Anyways, he asked what time we needed him. When were we planning on heading out?"

"Didn't we plan on playing by 12:30? It's already past 11," said Koichi. You all decided that catching the next bus would be best, even if you'd be early. Josuke let his nephew know and you all headed to the bus station. To everyone's surprise, Jotaro was already there waiting for you all reading a book on the bench. You figured he had stopped time a few times on the way there. Soon the bus arrived and you all boarded, eager to get to your destination.

When you arrived at the laser tag arena, you all went up to the counter and began registering. You were all a little shocked when Jotaro did the same.

"Mr Kujo, are you playing with us?" you asked.

"Yeah, why not? Also I told you, you don't need to be so formal with me."

You all entered a room to gear up for laser tag and be told the rules. Before your match began, Josuke called your party into a corner.

"I have one question, are we using stands or not?"

"Definitely not. Too destructive." said Jotaro, shutting down his idea immediately.

"Yeah, besides, Mr Jotaro can stop time! Totally unfair!" Okuyasu whined. You all nodded in agreement. Soon it was time your matches to begin, so you all filed into the main arena. You'd be playing three rounds, the first two with randomly assigned teams and the last as a free-for-all.

The first round went normally, your team which consisted of Jotaro and Okuyasu won. The next round, Yukako was upset that she was put on the opposite team as Koichi. You scolded her as she jumped in front of her boyfriend when you tried to shoot him. She lost points for the team and you got a fifteen second penalty for shooting your teamate.

During the final free-for-all, instead of losing points for a team if you were shot, you were eliminated. Jotaro mercilessly took out Okuyasu within the span of approximately two minutes, and none of you were completely sure if he had used STAR PLATINUM or not. You and Josuke teamed up to take out Yukako from behind, and Koichi was eliminated soon after without his girlfriend for cover. Your only opponent left was Jotaro, and both of you wanted to be able to brag to the others about being able to shoot him.

You lead Josuke to a corner, promising him that you had another penalty. He believed you and swore to you that he wouldn't eliminate you either until Jotaro was taken care of. You pinned him up against the back wall and planted a kiss onto his lips.

"That was for good luck."

"Well if that's the case, I think I walked under a ladder, care to spare me some more luck?" he teased, wrapping his arms around your waist. You giggled and gave him what he wanted. While he was distracted you placed your blaster directly against his back sensor and pulled the trigger, his vest loudly announcing that he'd been eliminated. His mouth hung agape, he could only sputter out sounds from the amount of shock he was in. You placed a kiss on his cheek before half-sarcastically apologizing to him.

Jotaro soon took you out, seeing as you were too distracted from thinking about how you betrayed your boyfriend and the cute dumbfounded look on his face. Josuke still seemed hurt when you left, soyou bought him ice cream to apologize. He forgave you, but would still bring up the event in future disagreements to guilt you.

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