24: way back home

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"Ten...are you okay?" Johny. Asked hesitantly

"NO!" Ten said though tears.

"It's alright. We can all meet up in holidays" Taeyong said concerned

"It's not that..." ten said


Back to the future...

3rd person POV:

The teens spent the night on the beach splashing around in the beach, drinking the stolen beer and skateboarding along the pavement. They Felt the weight coming off their shoulders, they no longer had to worry about splits up and that was good enough for them. Laughter filled the air as they for once in the entire trip spent a night without drama, worry, rush or any urgency to get to their destination.

They were already here.

They headed back to the beach house drained yet their happiness was still their.

"I call dibs on the biggest room" Haechan yelled dragging Mark along with him.

"Oh I claim second biggest!" Taeyong joined in grabbing Jaehyun to follow him.

"I guess we get the smallest room" Ten sighed

"Well at least you're with me" Johnny said with a smile.

Johnny found the room and opened to door only to put the suitcases in while ten sat down on the couch to work the small tv.

"Alright. Everything's ready. You want top or bottom?" Johnny asked sitting beside him.

Tens cheeks became a deep scarlet colour. He turned around to Johnny only to be met with a serious expression

"This is a very important question" Johnny said Maintaining eye contact.

"Well is usually do bottom but I guess I'll try top" Ten said flirting.

"Great you get the top bunk" Johnny said

"Ohhh uh. You were talking about bunk beds?" Ten questioned

"Yeah. Why, what else would I be talking about" Johnny asked

"Oh huh" Ten said pretending to focus on the tv

"Yeah bunk beds. What else could be top or bottom-OH MY GOD!" Johnny yelled in realisation.

"what. It's your fault for phrasing it like that!" Ten argued

"Fine it's my fault" Johnny said before leaning close to tens ear and whispering "but just so you know. I would top out of the two of us"

Tens eyes widened before he quickly grabbed the remote to change channels to distract himself.

"In the wildlife. The one of year has come, it is mating seaso-" *tv turns off*

Highway to heaven // Johnten, Jaeyong, MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now