20: "I am literally shitting!"

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A\N: Sorry for the disturbing title


And with that there were 6 people rapidly packing in one hotel.

2 guilty, 1 angry, 1 heartbroken and a couple just trying to enjoy their summer together.

Back to the future...

3rd person POV:

"So..." Johnny said while tapping the steering wheel. "The tension is so thick in here I could suck it up with a straw" he said

"Johnny! I told you not to talk about it." Jaehyun said

"Well how can I not?" Johnny practically screeched.

"I'm gonna have to start sipping from the cup because that was the last straw." Jaehyun muttered.

"Um...I'll just play some music"Johnny said when nothing was heard in the van apart from silence.

He pressed one of the many buttons on the dashboard of the van, turning the music on, before turning the dial to switch stations.

"Don't let yourself go
'Cause everybody cries
And everybody hurts sometimes" the radio played.

"I'm just gonna change that" Johnny gushed as the red light came up on the traffic light. "There that's better"

"And I will always love yo-"

"NO!" Johnny yelled

"For fuck sake" Jaehyun muttered

"From the bottom of my broken heart
There's just a thing or two I'd like you to know
You were my first love"

"NO!" Johnny and Jaehyun yelled at the same time.

Ten and Taeyong were just staring out of the window. Trying to ignore the music that went so well with the situation that it could even pass as an OST.

"Just change it already" Mark said from the back.

"It's really fine everyone." Ten said "just keep it on this it doesn't matter"

"Are you sure?" Johnny asked

"Yup" Ten said

'Baby, I said
Please stay, give our love a chance for one more day
We could have worked things out'

"Nevermind I can't fuckin stand this" Ten said

Johnny changed the dial and happy radio music started playing, the type you put in between songs as an interval.

"Oh yeah.  This is my shit!" Haechan said before dancing to the happy tune.

The radio went silent for a second. Before an all too familiar song began to play.

"MOTHERFUCKERS!" Johnny cursed banging his head on the steering wheel.

"I call dibs on the rap part" Mark yelled

Highway to heaven // Johnten, Jaeyong, MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now