9: "if you drop the gas i wi-godamnit"

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"Jesus take the wheel!" Johnny said

"Why?"Jaehyun said

"Why? Because someone didn't fill up the tank!" Johnny almost shrieked.

"What? I needed the bathroom" Mark said with a shrug.

"NOT MY PROBLEM!" Johnny yelled

Back to the future...

3rd person POV:

"Alrighty, now all we gotta do is push the van all the way back to the service station. Not that hard" Jaehyun said

"Not that hard. NOT THAT HARD! WHAT DO YOU MEAN-" Ten said shaking the taller boy.

"Well we have to do something" Jaehyun said.

"Jaehyun's right. We can't just leave it here. We have to push it back or something" Taeyong said

"Well y'all can do that" Ten said "and mark. Did you not think to fill the tank up or tell us you hadn't?" He questioned.

"Why would I do that? Besides my rapping skills my brain is the second best part of me. Why would I use it to think about something that doesn't need to be thought about" Mark said

"Come on. Let's just get this over and done with" Johnny said. Placing his hand onto the front of the car.

No one else moved.

"Are y'all gonna help or what?" Johnny asked

"Oh okay" the others said joining him.

"HEAVE!" They all yelled

"HOE!" Ten yelled

They looked at him

"What? It's heave hoe right?" The smaller sassed.

"I don't think they mean that kind of hoe" Haechan deadpanned

They got back to pushing but didn't make it very far.

"Oh my Jesus. I'm sweating so much. How far did we push the van?" Taeyong asked

"Well. 1..2..3... 3 steps" Johnny said counting

"UGH" everyone groaned

"Wait! Where's Mark?" Haechan asked looking around.

"HEY GUYS! IVE GOT THE GAS!" Mark yelled coming into view.

The boy was holding two jerrycans (tanks to hold fluids) and was wobbling his way over, trying to not drop the tanks.

"if you drop the gas i wi-godamnit" Johnny yelled.

And at that moment Mark dropped one of the tanks, the diesel spilled out of the tank and onto the road.

"DID YOU NOT CLOSE THE LID?" Johnny yelled

Highway to heaven // Johnten, Jaeyong, MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now